dark swan queen

You are a fucking idiot who cares nothing for the people or world around you, only you’re own sense of self-importance and need to feel big and strong by supporting an ignorant bully with a dangerous personality disorder WHO OBJECTIVELY LIES TO YOUR FUCKING FACE.

Ah yes, go ahead and casually throw “Millennials” (a word you couldn’t even spell) like we’re lazy and butthurt over Bernie.

Got it, you’re just trolling. I thought you wanted a discussion. My mistake.

She benefitted through no fault of her own. She has no choice in the matter. Saying people who have no choice deserve to suffer for it, even if your excuse is that people elsewhere are suffering right now, is monstrous.

If you are going to vote for Gary Johnson, when voting for Hillary instead would keep Trump from the White House, then it’s your fault. Own it.

I wanted Bernie, caucused for him in Iowa, but he isn’t an option now so Hillary it is. How, then, does my 13 yr old child deserve the horror that Trump will bring? Maybe Trump is the POTUS assholes deserve, but not all of us.

Nixon was evil. Trump is evil AND literally insane.

My 83 year old mother-in-law is voting democratic for the first time in her life. ( she wrote in John McCain twice during Bush years). I think there is hope for humanity.

In general, I’m OK with Americans getting the President they deserve. I’m OK with schadenfreude. But what about the REST of us outside the USA who have no say, but whose very lives may well be in the balance if Trump gets his short fingers anywhere near the nuclear football. Or the global economy that may be in

And the rest of the world? This is like the financial collapse of 2008; you can’t contain this level of catastrophe within one country’s borders.

Every time I see people like you say things like that, I wonder what my six-year-old daughter did to deserve the aftermath of a Trump presidency that she could be inheriting.

I certainly didn’t do anything to deserve that fucker.

No, just because you have or had a history of depression does not mean you are capable of harming a child in this way. As someone who also is a sufferer, I know that I could never, ever hurt someone in this manner.

and its so damn catchy.

its not good.

Nothing against you, but I hate the term “past their prime” because its often used to describe any female pop star over 30.

Which leads us to the crucial discussion about this particular event. Do you think the Chicago Cubs can finally win this year’s Stanley Cup? Or will we see Arsenal get it again?

Actually, the live performance on the link sold me on “Perfect Illusion”. But Gaga’s lead singles tend to be weaker than her follow-up releases: “Just Dance” was passable compared to “Poker Face”; and “Born This Way” was blah compared to “You and I”; and “Applause” was so-so compared to almost everything else on

It’s okay, we all make miskates.

dont hate, i deserved that - i pucked up big time.

I hate to “actually” you, but the correct terminology is “football rink.”