dark swan queen

I hope this documentary works in the same way as Making a Murderer - getting people upset enough that they pressure the justice system to change things. Maybe these guys will end up facing harsher punishment because of this. If nothing else, we'll all know they're jerks.

Good! I just worry about the young people who will be hurt by it. Hopefully they just don’t pay attention to anything Bette-related.

*the woman *she's *her

Seriously, if she just used the second half of the joke (about remarrying Kris) it would have been funny and acceptable.

Very true. Although Trump is better at pretending like he doesn't care.

You and I wouldn't like it if someone said we were just being gay for attention and that it was just a phase. That is essentially what this tweet is saying.

I am so, so frustrated with this show. But I am un-quitting it because they are going to be having 2x the Lana Parrilla this season.

Because by January we are depressed with all of the terrible TV we've been watching and then Liv Moore appears to be a beacon of hope.

Whatever you say, dear. Have a good day and try not to make too much of an ass of yourself, okay?

I have not lied about anything. You may not agree with me, but I said exactly what I think. Although I suppose it was a lie when I called you "sweetheart," because you're not.

I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about, but here’s what I’m saying in very simple terms so that perhaps you can understand: Jenner is no hero and I don’t like her. Midler's tweet was in bad taste. I don't know how Midler feels about trans people and I don't care, but what she said mimics what people say

I'm starting to feel left out that he hasn't called me homophobic for no reason yet.

Lua's sarcasm ("It's funny. I'm homophobic when...") was aimed at you, sweetheart, not homophobia. Because you suddenly started throwing the word "homophobic" around with no provocation. All Lua did was disagree with you. But yes, goodbye. Please go away now.

No, you didn't. Bette Midler did.

I suppose you've never heard of sarcasm.

Caitlyn Jenner sucks for many reasons, and I wish that she wasn’t one of the most well-known trans people in our country. That doesn’t make her less of a woman.

So let me get this clear. Your whole argument is that one comment about one trans person is not transphobic, right? So the fact that Lua is making comments about one gay person (that have nothing to do with your sexuality, by the way) can't possibly be homophobic. I'm a member of the LGBTQ community and I say it's

I'm sure you can. But I linked to an article written this weekend and published on a reputable news website about an anti-trans law that has been widely talked about for months. HB2 in North Carolina is a real thing. The people who support it misunderstand what it means to be trans. You can argue that you don't think

Is it still fear-mongering when it is actually happening right now?

She could have easily said something in her apology to explain that she was talking about one individual and that she's sorry for any hurt done to the rest of the community. But she didn't.