I know! How hard is it to just ignore the video?
I know! How hard is it to just ignore the video?
This gif makes me feel better about life. Thank you.
Especially when we’re talking about really late term abortion. The women who need it are generally women who wanted to have their babies but have just found out about fetal abnormalities or threats to their own health. So yes, late term abortion should be rare, since it is often a really tragic situation.
It’s possible for him to wait until she’s an adult to assault her, though. A lot of rapists aren’t pedophiles, too. He might have had no interest in assaulting a child, but now she’s moved into the age range he’s comfortable with.
And what aspect of this shit-head's behavior leads you to believe that he has ever been intimate with a human?
Don't worry, he's thinking about your breasts for you.
Based on the harshness of Sarah's parents' reaction, I get the feeling that they would have done the same even if she just told them she was gay without dating a girl. It sounds like you'd still put that in the "expression" box, but if her identity was a completely internal thing, there would be no way for her parents…
Good points. I don’t like the use of “confront” to describe coming out, though - that makes it sound like something unpleasant we do TO someone else. I didn’t “confront” anyone, I just informed the people who needed to know so they would stop making assumptions and understand me.
Right? In their effort to "save" her, they're pulling her out of high school and totally derailing her plans to go to college and such.
You have a choice as far as who you pursue relationships with, but I'm guessing you didn't just wake up one day and say "Hey, I think I want to be bi now!"
Plus it sounds like it's the other family members who are managing it.
And if you did twist your spine, he will mock you for doing so.
Just make sure you don’t send him the pink girly ones. Now that would cause a tantrum.
I think it’s one of those things where Christian is considered the default, so you’ll hear Muslim-American or Jewish-American but never Christian-American. Kind of like how you can be African-American or Asian-American but no one says White-American. There’s that need to stick a label on people who are not…
I would like to believe that my dog would not fall for the treats.
Plus there would be the added benefit of him not having access to any more unconscious women.
They’re whining because now this “once promising” asshole was punished at all.
I don’t know about murder, but you definitely get a domestic abuse pass.
Also, he wasn’t claiming that she had consented earlier and then blacked out. He was claiming that she was awake during the rape, which the witnesses have clearly said is not true.
Can we make him get the statement tattooed on his forehead as a warning to any woman he interacts with?