dark swan queen

The good thing is that they did directly address this on previous seasons. Melissa let her kids drop out of school (although I have no idea if Mackenzie agrees to any of the nonsense that goes on in that family), and Christie made a point to say that it wasn't right and that Chloe was staying in school no matter what.

The thing is, she probably already feels a lot of guilt about the fact that she wasn't able to prevent the subsequent attacks. They don't need to throw it in her face as well.

I would suggest watching the episode. Despite all of the controversy, it was a really riveting hour of TV. Half of it is a flashback to the events that set the the nuclear war in motion, and that part was really, really, really good. The Clexa sex scene is gorgeous. They don't show all of the nonsense going on at

If a trans woman has a gun on her, then can she go to the women's room? I mean, you wouldn't want to restrict her from taking her gun somewhere.

From what I read somewhere else, the legislators didn't even have a chance to read the full thing. That's how much they rushed it.

I think the ones who are normal and fun will understand.

Fair enough. I just really disagree with the way Trump and his friends are treating her. I'd feel the same if she was any other woman.

Oh my god. He’s Gaston. The vanity, the sexism, the prosecution of others... But Trump lacks an awesome song.

She's terrible, but I admire the way she's handled this one particular situation.

Self-defense training is probably something all kids should get. It would have been a lot more helpful if we'd spent a week of gym class on that instead of badminton. But we need to stop blaming the victims. And honestly, if a high school student injures another student who was trying to attack her, she's probably

Not to mention the future victims, the future crimes that might need to be investigated, etc. if perpetrators are allowed to do whatever the hell they want.

I don't know. I think he'd rather have his pick confirmed now than wait until after the election.

A lifetime of waiting in line for “It’s a Small World.” There is no better punishment.

I'm glad they aren't making Melissa McCarthy do the raunchy fat slob part that everyone always writes for her.

I mean, I guess you can claim it's for another reason. They can't prove

But no cookies?

Who are you? And why?

There's sometimes an option to donate your cookie purchase (no idea to who). That way you get the good karma without the calories, assuming that you're willing to give them your $4.

I don't know. I'm still waiting for the Cosby episode.

It must be so hard, having people do something to you that you don't want. Poor guy. /s