If you already own a game, can you give the key to someone else?
If you already own a game, can you give the key to someone else?
If you already own a game, can you give the key to someone else?
If you already own a game, can you give the key to someone else?
I actually heard they did an update to VOEZ where you can play in docked mode and I just tested it and it’s true! You can play it with a controller now!
A mechanical keyboard makes much more sense since he will be using it for typing as well as gaming, and given the amount of time we spend in front of computers you should always consider the quality of what you interact with.
Gotta love those “friends”. They would delay and delay, and course never initiate the paying back. It was like an extended loan with no interest. And to top things off, they would act irritated and annoyed when you pester them about it.
As I told another reader, I doubt this device or (by extension) your NUC could handle 4K streaming. The processors aren’t powerful enough. That being said, it’s not just the processor. Your NAS may be powerful enough, but most consumer NASs aren’t.
As I told another reader, I doubt this device or (by extension) your NUC could handle 4K streaming. The processors…
No, I don’t actually have any experience with this for Plex. I’m simply going off of the posted specs on the machine and what Plex themselves say is the required hardware. That being said, I don’t think this could handle streaming 4K content. Most 4K content requires around 80Mbps transcoding bandwidth, with Plex…
No, I don’t actually have any experience with this for Plex. I’m simply going off of the posted specs on the machine…
I knew we’d convert you.
Pokemon Go still does not have systems in place promised before launch (ex: trading), current systems do not work well (raids), and other systems were removed (proper tracking). Why would they release a new app when the current one is not in a good state? And why would they expect anyone burned by Pokemon Go to go…
actual teams, like the Cleveland Browns
Private pressure groups are an example that the article gives, it also states private individuals. And we know that there are groups and individuals who have already objected to sexual imagery in the past.
Yeah I was lost in this article as well, thx. So you can save your “dream gear” to a Splatoon Amiibo as well, correct?
so glad it’s not just me. didn’t play splat 1, and i’m reading this article like wtf is all this? i still haven’t been on a time where i can try salmon run :(
Getting the hang of abilities is one thing. Understanding Turf War is another. You probably know the next bits, but just for clarity:
If it makes you feel better, the way abilities work on clothes is new to this game. The first one just had the random roulette. This one you can actually clean it and modify it. So it’s new to veterans of the series as well
100% with you. I got halfway through this article and said “nope, no clue what any of this is.” It’s weird that I’m 10-15 hours logged and still can’t make heads or tails of it.
To make it super simple:
I just got Splatoon 2 (never played part 1) and reading this is way over my head. I need to check for a Kotaku tips for playing Splatoon 2 article, or some other newbie guide.
I am gonna buy a PS4 just for this game
I am gonna buy a PS4 just for this game
But there’s “bad” and then there’s just “dumb” or “I don’t like this any more”. My PSN ID is tied to something between my ex-wife and I. At the time it was cute and fun, as we bought the PS3 together. Now it’s just a stupid reminder of a dumb name and a failed relationship.