
It looks fun from what I’ve seen. Tried to get a group yesterday briefly but I’m kinda late to the party. People don’t really want to work with the inexperienced at this point (understandable). Hopefully this week I’ll start my own group and give it a go

Most likely, the consumable Eververse items will be things like last year’s Jackolyte; a consumable item that temporarily replaced your head with a three-eyed jack-o’-lantern.

But will you grab an AK and start shooting when someone breaks into your home?

1. Find out she’s been cheating.

I, for one, am thankful for the guide. I have a wife and 2 kids, a fulltime job and a gym schedule. I aint got time to try and figure this shit out.

FYI, if you have any weapon cores from running POE, Varkis has a heavy machine gun you can use for the quest.

The worst thing is the crucible bounties and quests that require you to win games to get points and make you lose points for starting a new match. Half the time I end up joining a stomp in progress and dying a lot, setting me back a ton for things like The Last Word quest, other times it’s spawning with somebody

I directed voiceover and mocap, and designed/wrote 3 million-selling games. And I can say from experience that voiceover work is the easiest, cushiest gig in all of video games. It requires little prep, the conditions are luxurious, and the pay is great.

Could be wrong but I feel like I’m not so casual?

I’ve got a my-wife-left-me-because-of-destiny clan, you’re welcome to join and raid with us :)

My annoyance right now is that unless you fully understand the new raid, good luck getting a party... And it's been out less than a week. Wtf?

Videos like this is why I can’t get into CS. All I can think of is getting shot over and over again in the face without ever even seeing an opponent while my teammates screaming at me.

But they do make Destiny better because we told them to.

More like an incoherent engram amirite

Move to the UK, there are. I’m pretty sure the salt and vinegar chips/crisps there make you sweat from the vinegar too.

Nope... This is one of the best games I have ever played, and I have more enjoyment over this passed year with this one game then most of the games I have played in the last 5 years combined.

There is literally nothing worse than music snob hipsters. No, not even the Nazis. You’re still worse.

I think people are too afraid to point out that they announced this on 9/11, lol. Nothing wrong with that... I just found it kind of funny.

Why today tho?