
I’ve never seen a snowflake melt so easily.

You think Porschophiles look down on the 924? I can only imagine the distain they’ll have for redneck-built models rolling off the assembly line in Alabama.

Musk and Trump are all about driving wedges between people to distract from them stealing everything they can get their hands on. I think that’s part of the reason he did the nazi salute to begin with. I would not be at all surprised if it were Musk himself under a fake account suggesting they start nazi saluting each

I mean, look at their Idols; Trump and Musk. I never heard men bitch and whine so much about how the world is so mean to them.

Yep! These are the same fools who used to argue that all crimes are hate crimes and laughed when brodozers would blast exhaust smoke at cyclists. 

1. I pulled up a block from ASUC. A female student walking by talking on the phone said that a Cybertruck just ruined her day loudly, obviously wanting me to hear it.

The irony of the Fascism-Curious suddenly caring about hate crimes is delicious.

“Throwing heart” is NOT on the chart. Sorry.

We already knew they were stupid fucking twats as soon as they bought a stupid Cybertruck.

Exactly. If it was in fact “throwing his heart” and misconstrued as a nazi salute, he could have been out there the next days apologizing and promising not to make that gaff again. But what does he do? He sends a tweet making nazi jokes and then storms Europe pushing alt-right hatered and telling Germans that it’s

So you bought one of the most ridiculous vehicles ever made to draw attention to yourself. Then, when it’s not the attention you want, you try and play the victim.

Yea, I’ve seen that multiple times, easy response is to just show him ‘throwing his heart to the crowd’ right next to Hitler and current neo-nazis doing the exact same thing.

There’s multiple videos of him at previous events doing “my heart goes out to you” and it doesn’t look very Seig-Heil-y 

One poster claims to have had a banana peel left on their car,

and has the ear of the president.  great times great times.

Like I really care if these wannabe badasses have got their fee-fees hurt. Snowflakes.

The elmostans are calling his nazi salute “throwing his heart to the crowd”? Seriously? What a bunch of stupid fucking twats. If you have a CT, you get the hate you deserve.

Musk bought Twitter then allowed all of the Nazis back on Twitter. He knows EXACTLY what he was doing.

The richest guy in the world is a 4chan reject apartheid nazi shitlord, what a time to be alive. 

Hood scoops are mostly for top-mount intercoolers. The top-mount makes some functional sense for something like a rally car where a low-slung front mount intercooler is likely to be damaged. Rally racing was the first racing series where street-like vehicles embraced turbocharging and a lot of the earlier turbo cars