
Hey Red-Hat dipshits! Know what would be a great way to keep costs for working folks down?

Probably because you can read a license plate from a dashcam video or even from across a street or a few cars back. Quickly and easily reading the stamped VIN on the dashboard while the car is in motion... Not so much.

I don’t understand why the majority of consumers still think always-on connectivity is a great feature to have in cars. I won’t buy a new vehicle unless I’ve already figured out how to physically disable that connection the day I buy it. I have a cyber-security background, and I know most, if not all, manufacturers do

Sweden does it right. Once you're of retirement age, one of your benefits is that the government will pay for taxis, anywhere you need to go. And they pay fairly, so you aren't waiting forever to find a cab. Senior citizens can get where they need to go in a car-centric society, but they don't have to drive. It's

Notice what he’s NOT doing — looking at/typing into/distracted by a phone. While wrinklies chartering a land yacht to procure produce via 50mph on a highway is sub-optimal, so are yoots going 90mph scrolling thru Insta and texting friends their party plans while balancing a hot venti and QT sando in their laps.

On top of Stellantis corporate chaos, all manufacturers are now at the insane whim of American Nero and his Nazi hangers on.

It is not a joke ... dear god.

Whoops, you accidentally agreed that Trump is going to kill people!  

Maybe you should think more.

It’s gonna be a long four years, folks.

you’re apparently a moron

Being a leftist doesn’t mean being a mindless bleeding-heart. There’s plenty of people out there who don’t deserve a shred of compassion or sympathy, and whose confused cries of betrayal in the coming months will be the only bitter solace to those of us who know how the world works. I don’t think that necessarily

I too avoided ( and am still avoiding ) the news. After the election I figured we had a few months where I could pretend things were normal. All I did was skim one Yahoo news article to get the basics. And its so much worse than I thought it would be. Its bad. As in- we’ve spent years talking about how this sure

That’ll show those crooks for being in (checks notes) Donald Trump’s US, Canada, and Mexico Trade Agreement!

Even the minister who said the prayer at the inauguration has launched a crypto coin, $LORENZO. The money changers really have taken over the temple.

Get a load of this putz.

Same. Since November I’ve done everything I can to avoid watching the news as well as being more selective about what I read, simply for my own mental health.

The US is the largest consumer country in the world. Any tariffs, either set by the US or another country, negatively affects the US a lot more than the other country.

The grift in this administration is going to be mind-blowing. He and the first Mattress Pad have already launched their crypto currencies, and that, I’m sure, is just the beginning. Truly a sad new era for America.

Buckle up, my friends. Let the fuckery commence. Shit.