
And Lia Thomas is not even dominating the sport so the 1 trans woman they can find is still being beaten by cis woman in certain events so...

Well, yours is the kind of thinking that will ensure the US keeps locking people up at a rate not seen anywhere else in the world. (I just happened to have the NATO graphic close to hand, but you guys even kick the shit out of China when it comes to incarceration rates.)

This comment needs to be at the bottom of every article that argues Biden is doing a good job.

And liberal dems will still say nothing except that we have to vote for the Dems no matter what they say and do because “look at the alternative.” What alternative?

Yeah, sort of like how there's been a push away from treating breast cancer as a "women's issue," since men get it too and were going undiagnosed.  Just address the whole crowd!

That’s a very tall, heavy straw man.

Right of course because exclusionary testing for political office couldn’t be manipulated to extremely nefarious ends or anything. I’m sure it would be fine. Totally fine.  

It’s actually a very, very good question: all those things you mentionned have been used massively to disfrenchise voters of minorities and lower economic stratum.

I mean, I think this is mostly an issue for medical places that provide services to people who can get pregnant, regardless of how they identify. It just makes sense to address your whole audience.

Indeed.  It really is too bad that TERF includes the phrase “radical feminist” because I can’t think of anything less radically feminist than “You are defined as a woman by your ability to reproduce.”

Terfs got suckered into being misogynist.

I mean, yes. For things like testicular cancer there is a similar push to just say "people with prostates" or "people with testicles".

I’m not suggesting eliminating the word women. I’ve not seen anyone suggesting that. Even the progressive organizations that sometimes use more inclusive language to account for trans people often slip into using “women” where broader language would be both more inclusive and accurate (see the ACLU’s page on

Right.  The rallying cry for trans women is, well, “trans women are women.”  Kinda hard to see how that is seeking to erase women, unless you think including trans women in the club of women somehow devalues womanhood.

So if a trans man came into that organization needing midwife help, they would refuse to treat him? Or insist on misgendering him before treating him?

I agree.  That you menstruate, or give birth, is not what defines you as a woman, and that is exactly why trans women also claim to be women even if they do not menstruate, or are not capable of giving birth.  They are saying the same thing as you are, not trying to erase you.

The New York Times Op Ed actually made some really fantastic points

White lady feminists coming out of the woodwork to carry water for a boomer with predictable boomer opinions, people who haven’t been paying attention to this boomer being...lets say “a little old fashioned and predictable” for a while now.

How is a gender being eliminated?

202X “feminists”: men are clearly superior!