
This is even worse than lack of attention, he’s paying lots of attention to the FSD behaviour and has all the time in the world to takeover and correct it, but deliberately chooses to let FSD take him the wrong way on a one-way street with oncoming traffic. For clicks.

This is the most neoliberal thing I’ve ever read lol. 

In all of this, for everything that is coming out officially, i still hold very little possibility that anyone will see jail.

That’s not nearly as cringy as “My side, right or wrong!”

Performative actions that [were] doomed to fail” is how the right chipped away at Roe to get to this point. If even one woman is able to end an unwanted pregnancy or have their lives saved in the event of a life-threatening pregnancy by some concrete federal action before it’s blocked by the court, then I’d argue it

Great, do it in fucking VA hospitals too. That would also come with its own set of obstacles (like, why wouldn’t the Hyde Amendment apply there as well?). It’s a fucking fight, it’s not like anti-abortion advocates are just going to let us backdoor around their victory without fighting back themselves (although I can

The problem with Democrats is that it’s a party full of referees with nobody on the field. Everyone’s got a list of things that might not work (and therefore shouldn’t even be tried), but nobody's willing to actually support any action.

I don't think it's really worth worrying about the attack ads. They say Democrats are baby killing socialists every election, and Democrats respond by trying to shift right to prove them wrong. 

A reasonable person would have...

Gotta say, if only Republicans had this sort of “Well, it might be hard because the other side might not just LET us do it, so we shouldn’t even try,” we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.

Yeah, you know what, make Republican governors close entire fucking roads to try to stop people from getting abortions, and see how that works out for them.  It is so hilarious how much people like you are put off from doing ANYTHING that might actually solve a problem if there is even the slightest chance the other

The only thing standing between Republicans and a nationwide ban is 51 votes in the Senate and control of the House, both of which are likely to be facts less than a year from now.  I think it’s silly to pretend like Republicans haven’t thought of a nationwide ban, they are already talking about it.

The other side might fight back, so why try?

Her image of being a hard DA who won’t take guff from anyone is fading fast.”

You’re VP, ma’am, you’ve got plenty of time to practice.”

Seriously. What the hell else does she do all day? She’s clearly not engaging anyone in the senate which is one of the few ways Vice Presidents can wield power.

And the last six years have showed us that, wow, everything I learned in civics class was apparently just working on the honor system. Republicans wouldn't think twice about breaking rules to get their shit done, and then they'd get away with it.

Kamala keeps being terrible at being interviewed. You’re VP, ma’am, you’ve got plenty of time to practice.

They are getting SOOO much mileage out of “BASIC CIVICS CLASS” this week.

Yes, we know that Hyde still exists.

And we may need to...make...changes, you know?

Caveat: Bob Electable is an anti-choice democrat and will actually vote with the party less than half of the time.

Something something, 2016, "take a civics class", something, Bernie Sanders. Hopefully that sums up the first few comments.