
Not to mention: I like being able to go out for a few drinks at a bar and not have to make the choice between a) paying an expensive cab fare or b) putting other people’s lives in danger.

“Look, can we all just kinda admit that my personal preference is the objective truth, and ignore all the myriad ways in which the alternative is better for society and the planet?”

You ever consider that it sucks by design?

Public transit could be really nice- it’s comfortable and efficient elsewhere in the world, so why not here? Maybe because we totally starve it so that it’s unreliable and routes are limited. Perhaps if we thought of it as a utility and not a thing that should somehow pay for

human reports they like the conveniences of ignoring contribution to tragedy of commons, news at 11

Let’s look at some of your points

It really is kind of wild to go from putting men on the moon to.....whatever we’re living in now, isn’t it?

American Exceptionalism; basic services work everywhere but here.

Not nonsense, they get paid hourly, this cut in to their hours. Reversing the 30% reduction and the pay raise might help them make close to a living.

You’re right. If Congress doesn’t do anything then no one else is going to take a case to the Supreme Court and same-sex marriage will be safe forever!

I will always side with a working class striker, no matter what.
Class consciousness is the only thing that is going to save us from the mess the 99% has gotten into.  The owners of our labour are not our friends.  

no man what’s costing you big money is management and shareholders stealing the profits to put in their pockets. without unions there would just be more profits to the shareholder. do you think the cost cutting would actually trickle down to the customer price? you’ve been had. 

I like how you say that as if running Biden again wouldn’t be handing the Republicans the victory or splitting the party when more than half of Democrats don’t want him to run again.

Many of the events under his presidency may have been inevitable but the way he’s reacted to them has frankly been the embodiment “we weren’t expecting much but fucking hell”.

OMG Don’t do the GOP’s work for them!! /s

This affects mainly short haul drivers who haul to or from set locations, what it does say since the Trucking Company determines load and route and delivery window the driver is actually a employee and not a contractor even if they own their own rig; these drivers have been getting shafted for years with crap pay and

This order will be challenged and subject to being overturned by a conservative judge. Every action this administration takes is subject to the exact same challenge.

4. That’s exactly why he said the quickest way to get Roe codified is BY FUCKING VOTING.

Now playing

Hmmm... this article is written in a voice that seems to fault California for protecting worker’s rights, rather than condemning the trucking companies that deliberately force drivers into working as contractors to avoid providing them livable wages or benefits.

Remember the days when Jen Psaki refused to say the word “abortion” like she was a character in a Harry Potter book and I said that was fucking stupid and there was a whole thread about how that was political genius?