
Musk is only about free speech when it’s good for him. Otherwise it’s non-disclosure agreements and firings.

Are you guys contractually obligated to omit anything about Defector? Because it’s a REALLY big miss to not mention Kelsey McKinney’s extremely popular and well publicized Normal Gossip podcast, which beat this pale copycat by more than a few months

No. After driving for 4 hours or so, I need a piss and something to eat.

It ain’t a secret tax, it’s the oil companies adding additional fees to line their p0ckets.

Jalopnik: the only site calling this a tax. Literally every other story I found on this after googling called it, correctly, a surcharge that is going straight to the oil companies pockets. 

Is this an herb topic or is it an actual Jalop generated topic? Because it is woefully misinformed, poorly researched, and not a good way to continue Jalop quality. Greatly disappointed in how badly this topic was treated. Look, if you don’t want to research properly, that’s fine. Write about something else that is

That’s not a tax, that’s profit.

Why are we talking about mystery taxes when the next to last paragraph says “retailing and distribution margins have increased”

Gas prices are expensive because the people who make and sell fuel are charging record prices for it.

Concur, I’ve made this argument for years. Take our gas prices here, back out the taxes, then look at Az or Nv gas prices and exclude taxes there as well, why are they so vastly different? If we’re talking about gas prices in Laughlin or Primm which are right across State Line we’re talking about gas that literally

I’m actually ok with the state assuming production and sales of gasoline. Is it a form of socialism? Probably. But if it means better prices then I’m fine with that. I won’t shed a tear for shareholders.

That’s the reason why I honestly never mind paying high gas taxes. The oil companies will make sure we pay all the market will bear. If gas taxes get cut or eliminated, the price will creep right back up to where it was before the cut, but instead of our $ going to our local or state government and maybe paying for a

Dude, you’re doing yeoman’s work for the oil companies here by calling it a tax, when it isn’t.

Wow, that was pretty wrong.

my loathing for grownups riding bikes in driving lanes like this is some third world village.

They’ll do the same thing all the Indians are doing to bypass import taxes in India. They’ll purchase it in UAE, and have the car shipped over to Russia.

To do some research here:

Well, what you’re saying is that it’s true if you narrow your definition of “Europe” adequately.

I can’t wait until you personally find one.

Nobody is talking about banning cars from cities with 100K populations or even entire cities with multiples of that.