
So, now that the hornet’s nest is good and stirred up, He’s not wrong. There are places where cars and trucks should not be, in general.

this is a ridiculous opinion of course, but some of you shouldn’t be so upset that Jalopnik leans left. there are a TON of other car sites where the commentariat is a deplorable-soaked-cesspool of MAGA stupidity. but you already knew that.

how does this decrease your love of jalopnik? It’s possible to really enjoy cars where they belong (the open road) and also admit that mobilizing a 2-ton mobile hut to haul 250 lbs of your tubby ass and your shit around is an astonishing waste of resources when there’s other alternatives.

It’s an article about cars. What makes no sense is sitting alone in your 4000 lbs steel, sound-isolated living room in bumper to bumper traffic spewing toxic fumes and endangering anyone not encased in steel so that you can avoid the terrible inhumanity of perhaps walking, biking or taking public transport. I love

Vehicle bans are pretty easy to enforce with physical restrictions - concrete barriers etc. They’d probably go and clog up a freeway instead of a downtown area.

Ever been to a European City? They are insanely cool, even the little ones. In every city, there is a walking area, which is many blocks long where there are tons of things to do, places to go, and places to eat. Not uncommon for these areas to be super old too, with timberframed buildings or inside walls or the like.

pretty much every city in europe does this.  they allow delivery trucks between midnight and 6am usually.  construction and repair vehicles (like plumbers etc) get permits for daytime access which are strictly enforced.

My position is Democrats made promises. This article points out what some of those promises are. Now, I am very confident that those promises didn’t come with fine print. They didn’t say “So long as Joe Manchin’s vote isn’t that important” or “If we get maybe 53 or 54 Senators” or “If we get a filibuster-proof

Better to to continue to blame the straw man voters of 2016 than blame the party currently in power that learned absolutely nothing from that loss

Maybe this isn’t a pro-Bernie Sanders or pro-Elizabeth Warren post, but in fact a pro-abortion post, and should be read on that basis, not on the basis of some agenda you’ve just decided to ascribe to the author for no real reason.

Democrats control Congress in real life.  Joe Manchin is a Democrat.  If Joe Manchin won’t do something Democrats promised to do, that’s a problem directly attributable to Democrats, of which Joe Manchin is one.

Both parties aren’t the same!

I like how it misses the point that it sets up Bond’s car upgrade later, when he wins the DB5 in a card game.

I would think the connection is that they were protesting the killing of George Floyd? It’s a pretty obvious connection.

It’s a great statement for a jury to hear, but it might not be as helpful in the filing for the judge. But I’m guessing the attorney who wrote it knows the judge by reputation, if not direct interaction, and knows what will work.

All PD’s should be totally controlled by civilian boards with DA and Police agents acting as advisors. Also, any damages resulting from police misconduct should be taken from the department’s pension fund. No funds from seizures/forfeiture/fines should ever make their way into the PD’s budget (nor that of the

The roots of the protest, pictured:

If you dont 100% agree with me you are a nazi or commie.”

no we all dont. i ride a motorcycle i stopped rolling through stop signs years ago. its not worth it.
