Every surface level road is a legal road for cyclists unless it’s specifically marked otherwise and you, as a driver, are the responsible party to avoid hitting them.
Every surface level road is a legal road for cyclists unless it’s specifically marked otherwise and you, as a driver, are the responsible party to avoid hitting them.
Even if the bikers were in the middle of the lane, it isn’t legal to run them over. You have to wait for a legal area with clear and safe sight lines to pass.
I mean im with you generally on TX but this isnt a TX problem. Its like this in big cities run by Democrats and its like this in rural areas run by Republicans. Its a cop problem, generally, and not just a location specific sort of thing.
Don’t think it’s a Texas problem. I live in Upstate NY and recently watched the police not cite a driver for hitting a pedestrian (pushing a baby stroller) in a crosswalk. The police don’t stop for pedestrians either, so I guess it would have been hypocritical to write a ticket.
In the Netherlands when an accident happens between a car and cyclist/pedestrians, the cyclist/pedestrian is by default right. The (car)driver has to proof that he is not to blame. Besides the fact that all drivers in NL were cyclists once (very little schoolbuses or car-lines at elementary) this helps to protect the…
Cops dont give a shit about cyclists or pedestrians example infinity.
The media lets him off light by calling it a houseboat. It is a yacht.
Maybe lurched was a bit of an exaggeration, but you don’t drive into peaceful protestors, especially if you are a US Senator.
Don’t bother with that both-sides bullshit. It’s lazy and dishonest.
Haha, nope.
Manchin and Sinema hardly qualify as centrists. And the problem with their demands was that they didn’t seem to have clear demands that would get them on board with any policy agenda, leaving the rest of the party to scramble to make concessions in the dark. Saying “no” to everything isn’t centrism. Saying “no” to…
the wishes of the people they were elected to represent
So before anyone comes in here to drag the cabbies through the mud, remember this: The city severely limited the number of medallions, which drove their prices through the roof. The city also offered loans to buy those medallions, sometimes up to a million dollars. They presented a situation where you would sell your…
The more you learn about the stock market, the more it’s clear that that shit is entirely fiction
Refrigerator is also an appliance.
Oh, I’m firing up my keyboard all right. But not to lambast you or anyone else about being enthusiastic about a Prius, but rather to take to task anyone that dares try to do that.
Reminder: Josh Hawley advocated for the insurrection. I haven’t checked, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of the politicians advocating to let those responsible for attacking the Capitol and killing police officers go free without any punishment.
As someone who spends at least a little time each week playing video games and watching porn, it does my heart good to know that I’m a disappointment to Josh Hawley.
Republicans: “We can’t do [popular globally-proven social policy] because [scary bad dog whistle] will happen!”
Real question. Is there any governmental action in Texas that actually helps the public in general?