Right? At least it would be something.
Right? At least it would be something.
Georgia and Mississippi both went for him. When a state votes against him, he’ll send aid in the form of martial law, which is nice.
There’s a reason we won more votes and are in charge of nothing.
I hope so. Just pummel these assholes. If they approve DeVos, I’m going to have a fucking stroke.
Too easy to scapegoat the actual person who led the charge to not hold confirmation hearings? Lol, ok. I believe in putting the blame where it resides. Trump, Senate Republicans and the morons who keep voting for them are going to go down in history as the people who destroyed public health care, eliminated…
High road. Fuck me.
They thought that letting the Republicans look like the petty partisan bureaucrats that they were would cost them votes. Taking the high horse and doing the right thing doesn’t matter when people will vote for hate against their own self-interest.
If I’m them, I call the cops on every Planned Parenthood protest.
It’s Mich McConnell’s fault for illegally refusing to hold confirmation hearings for Merrick Garland.
Also, the voice of animated Superman, one of the voices I hear in my head if I’m trying to figure out if something is the right thing to do.
They don’t understand doing something on principle. They don’t have them.
Also, with no kids, there’s more money to spend on games. As a childless married person, or a mutant according to my friends with kids, I wholeheartedly agree.
That was a guy who did dignified sports reporter right.
There’s a reason why Nazis are such a perfect villain for video games. It’s because, like evil aliens, robots, or zombies, they have no redeeming qualities or humanity. Everyone who is not a Nazi loves to shoot Nazis.
Every time I see his face, I feel like I’m destined to beat his ass. Just cave that smug fucking grin in.
I come from a family of teachers, my grandma taught in a one-room schoolhouse and taught overall for 50 years, my Mom just retired after teaching for nearly 50 years, and my sister and brother-in-law are both teachers currently. They are losing their minds over this.
Boy, there’s a guy who doesn’t take cues from a character, huh? Goku, the kind-hearted hero who fights for those weaker than him. Chris Brown, the asshole who has his bodyguards beat people up, unless it’s a woman, because he can beat them up.
Yeah, when only one side of the story comes out and the other side stays silent, it’s usually the loud side that’s at fault.