“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, unless he be an amateur.”
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, unless he be an amateur.”
Judging by his haircut, how much longer until he gets tricked into speaking at a Proud Boy rally or something like that?
I mean Joe Flacco basically confirmed this about Ray Lewis.
Likewise, I LOVE this Patrick Mahomes speech:
not “a hero of 9/11” or “a guy who happened to be in office on 9/11” but *the* hero of 9/11. i’m actually kind of impressed that even in the midst of an acrimonious divorce from this guy she is spouting his own propaganda for him!
But 9/11
To be fair, the American electorate prioritizes that way as well.
The really sobering thing about that graph is that our closest rival in military spending and most dangerous near peer threat, China, got a huge portion of their military budget from Americans buying iphones and cheap crap at Walmart and on Amazon.
I’m curious how “we need a candidate who can stand up and beat Trump” squares with “oh, you can’t say anything mean about him!” Trump will also be calling Biden “Sleepy Joe” or “Forgetful Joe” or whatever, the only difference is that Trump won’t be clever enough or remember enough to catch when Biden immediately…
If we don’t keep highlighting his unfitness he will cakewalk into the nomination and be destroyed by Trump in the general election.
Moderator: Mr. President, we’ll start with you, what can you tell us about your health care plans?
I can’t imagine a worse matchup for the country and our future, but a Biden-Trump-Who-Has-The-Smoother-Brain debate would be fun in a watching a car crash and explode sort of way.
Voters whose votes are determined solely by social conservatism are going to vote for the Republican over the Democrat in Senate and House races ten times out of ten. There is no point trying to win those voters over. Most voters, though, aren’t like that. There is no requirement that elections in red states have to…
jon ossoff lost by more than someone who, as far as anyone can tell, literally did not exist.
For fucks sake, given the choice between a conservative Democrat and a republican, the conservative voter will go with the Republican every. single. time. The problem is not that Dems need conservative/Republican voters— it is the fact that these conservative Dems don’t bring out the vote of liberal independents and…
Nobody cool uses phones, they’ve all moved on to embedded implants.
I’m going with option 3: Stick with your current phone.
MF said “Nautious.” Like he didn’t even give it a good shot. Typed out a word that look like a Transformer that turns into a sailboat.
I’m genuinely torn as to whether the Patriots are Basically Good for giving otherwise decent guys a second chance, or Mostly Bad for also giving supremely talented rapists and murderers a second chance.