Heaven knows he's miserable now!
Heaven knows he's miserable now!
I know it’s good fun to rag on Manchester United, but I think they have a legitimate shot at avoiding relegation this season.
Boris Johnson’s favorite part about EuroLeague basketball is watching Europeans get punished for traveling
Good god, they really came out of the woodwork for this one... Love ya, Lauren, and fuck these burner accounts that are somehow getting un-greyed.
This comment section is filled with some great arguments: “Why are you threatened by this person being given a platform to say you should be murdered simply for your existence?! GET OVER YOURSELF, GEEZ!”
The intellectual sewer that is ESPN deserves Fury, and vice versa.
Petition to call people Magikarps more often
Is there not a TUE for it?
I think we can all safely assume that he actually crashed into a painting of a tunnel on the side of a cliff.
of course! Beating the Clippers, Chiefs, and Rams on the way to the SuperBowl is something any team could do so those victories don’t count. Of course, they don’t. Your statement is very brilliant. Of course, it is!
A friend of mine has Alpha-Gal Syndrome (a SEVERE red meat allergy from tick bites, which is becoming more popular) and this would have had her hospitalized, if not worse.
I know people think they’re cute and funny, commenting about indignant vegans (even so, stop lambasting people for their dietary choices), but ANY…
I think it’s pretty shitty of her high school to sell ad space at the diamond to white supremacy groups from seven surrounding counties. It’s not the message we should be giving to kids, and it takes away from her accomplishment. Sad.
It flies over the head of those bloody Colonials!
This is a deeply underappreciated comment.
This is what is sounds like when ducks cry
Today, friends, is the day that duck falls
Pope Thrower will deliver a blow to shorts so devastating that it will forever leave her with general anxiety disorder and ibs
Still don’t really understand the fascination with Chastity Gooch-Fant. It’s a fine name, sort of silly in a superficial “wow! Chastity and gooch next to each other!”
Lionel Pimpin you let me down...