
The soundtrack’s pretty good IMO, but it’s mostly slightly pop-y electronica. Definitely a different feel from the Tony Hawk games.

Wait, I lied, I actually have 20 hours. Steam is silly.

It seems like it’s designed more a ranking system than a leveling system. The amount of points you lose per crash goes up the higher your ranking is, so eventually you reach an equilibrium point where the amount of points you make per “life” is equal to the amount you lose from crashing. Basically, you’re always gonna

I’ve played about 8 hours and have had zero technical issues. Like, I haven’t even seen anything I’d consider a bug; it’s remarkably stable.

Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer, and given that this involves reading legal papers, I could be very, very wrong.

For reference, that particular Pepe is a fairly popular emote called EZ, from an extremely popular Twitch browser extension called Better Twitch TV. The poster is a reference to the sort of thing that Twitch chat would spam at the end of a competitive match (EZ because GG EZ, and then a clap emote because, well,

Is the PC version $25 somewhere? I can only find it for $30, both on Amazon and Steam.

Is the PC version $25 somewhere? I can only find it for $30, both on Amazon and Steam.

Having played the game, the first one is pretty suspicious. This is a game that’s entirely about taking your time and not swinging your hammer without a reason; you can’t get to that point in the game if you don’t learn that. I have a lot of trouble believing that someone could get to the end and suddenly wildly swing

Any proof of that? That the devs are banning without any evidence beyond a streamer’s word?

I’d imagine that such a system would actually end up being detrimental. People are already naturally incentivized to report bugs, especially high impact bugs like this, because they want the software that they use to be better. If you provide a monetary incentive as well, it’s just going to end up with you getting

Wildlands definitely isn’t a game for everyone, but if you like open world shooting with some tactical/stealth elements, and you don’t mind it when games do the same thing over and over again, it’s a fun time. Doubly so if you have at least one friend that you can play it with.

They want team kills to happen. They don’t want people to intentionally team kill strangers. Seems pretty simple.

IIRC, the draw rate for legendaries is one every twenty packs, so three in seventy packs is roughly what you’d expect. Not above average, not below average, just average.

They’re different subseries. The “mainline” series has a single storyline going through them focused on the actual Metroids. The reason that Other M isn’t a Prime game, despite being 3d, is because its story has a lot of links to Super and Fusion.

Comparing a publisher press conference to one of the big 3 press conferences is just dumb. Microsoft is showing off a whole bunch of third party games that are coming to their console, of course they’re going to have more stuff than what Bethesda’s actually publishing.

I actually kind of like the new logo. It has this feel of someone taking a plain old line and shaping it into an artsy swirl; pretty on-message for a video game company that merges “hard” engineering with “soft” art.

That’s explicitly not true. The only reason that Typhon-Morgan isn’t (necessarily) a murder machine is because it’s a human hybrid with the mirror neurons necessary to give it a sense of empathy. There are logs in Psychotronics that hint at what’s going on.

Mine was behind the calibration Looking Glass screen in that doctor’s office in Psychotronics. Kinda cool that it’s randomized, though I feel like that robot dude was a little underdeveloped as a plot point because of it.

I’m a bit confused at the Dahl bit. Did you not disable your security bracelet? It’s maybe a 10-20 minute detour after the military bots show up, and makes it so you can sneak by them just like any other enemy. I thought it was actually a pretty clever way of establishing how threatening the military bots were, before

On the subject of Typhon powers: Psychoshock is really good. Like, really really good. Why? Not only does it do a bunch of damage, it also disables enemy abilities for up to 20 seconds. Most of the most powerful of the Typhon are completely dependent on their abilities and are therefore rendered helpless when you