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It’s relatively unlikely to be a COVID thing. Smash tournaments are still taking COVID precautions pretty seriously, they’re still basically all requiring masks and I believe vaccinations.

If you read the whole SWT statement they go into a lot more detail. Basically, they were originally approached by Nintendo in November of last year, and have been going through a very slow back-and-forth over licensing since. Their contacts at Nintendo seemed receptive throughout the process, right up to the point

The Souls games were inspired by Monster Hunter. However, despite the difficulty, you wouldn’t call Monster Hunter a Souls-like game would you? Same basic principle here.

It means you roll one (1) twenty (20) sided dice (D) and then add (+) a three (3) to the outcome, with said plus-number (+#) bonus being given to you by the numerical value of X (Charisma) and Y (Medicine Skill).

Cost is definitely one of many issues with VR, but it’s not quiiiite $500-$1000 bad. The Rift S is $400, I believe the Vive was $400 as well (and is still $400 for a official refurb), and the original Oculus+Touch pack got down to 350ish new. And the Samsung WMR headset is $230 right now (not super familiar with it

I don’t think it’s an edit. In the one where they’re kissing, it’s two cups put together, and you can see a second copy of the couple on the reverse side. The one where they’re having sex is just one cup, so the girl is the girl on the reverse side; she’s smaller and flipped because she’s further away and, uh, flipped.

I was more thinking commercial drones operating near their maximum altitude. Say, maybe a drone is hovering over a sensitive area and transmitting video to who knows who. Or maybe a drone is loitering near the end of a runway and posing a threat to air traffic.

The question there is: what does this do that a guy with a shotgun cannot? A human shooter is probably going to both react faster and be more accurate than this awkward drone system in the kind of low-to-the-ground scenario you’d expect in an assassination.

If it’s like the original Necrodancer, it’s turn based, but each turn only lasts one beat of the song. So sort of turn based, but with very short turn timers, to the point where it’s also kind of real-time-ish.

The game has a pretty decent set of tutorials and mostly uses standard FPS controls for ground stuff. I don’t really see why you’d need an external guide to just get started; most of the guides I’ve seen have been on more advanced topics (tactics, flying) or on the editor.

The DMCA safe harbor provision means that they can’t go after Amazon, as long as they respond to takedown requests. Or at least that’s the case for regular users, not sure if the contracts they have with partners muddies the waters at all.

I wonder if that’s intentional, given the problems with the Tesla’s system? Forcing the driver to keep the car in lane means that they’ll have to keep their hands on the wheel and their attention on driving. That’s going to be way more effective at controlling users than stern warnings and a beeping dash.

From the sound of it, all he did was mention something while having a shitty viewerbase. I don’t know the guy, so maybe he meant to brigade this stream, but otherwise it seems kinda much to punish a streamer for the actions of his viewers.

That’s one of the first perks I got, and I loot pretty much everything I kill and find, but I haven’t gone out on dedicated hunting trips. And honestly, I don’t think I care enough to grind for money.

Might be a gameplay style thing, but I’ve found that money is pretty hard to come by. Scopes in particular are very expensive, with some of them coming close in price to a new gun. Having experimented a bunch with different weapons and attachments, I’ve never found myself with a comfortable reserve of money, at about

It’s not that the emote itself is racist, it’s that it’ll be used in a racist way in people in Twitch chat. It already happens with any emote featuring a black person, whenever black people or black stereotypes are mentioned on stream. Or, you know, just because.

The ones who are not thinking about race 24 hours a day taking offense at everything.

Broadly speaking, there are two types of Twitch emotes. Global emotes, which can be used by anyone and are controlled directly by Twitch, and subscription emotes, which you can only get if you’re subscribed to a specific Twitch channel.

In all likelihood, very few. The thing is, they could get that number down to zero by just using real footage. It’s a minor downside, but it’s still a downside.

Why on earth would they do this on purpose? All it does is make them look incompetent, and I can hardly imagine that they want to intentionally damage their own message. And it’s not like the clip is so phenomenal that they couldn’t possibly find two seconds of real footage to replace it.