Dark Belch

I understand her being pissed enough to do it I mean obviously she had her reasons but you're right. My dad has his will set up in the best way it's split four ways - my brother my sister me and charity. If any of us die before he does our share goes to charities of our choice when he dies unless we have kids then it


Fuck all of it. Didn’t watch the doc & I won’t watch this.

Amy is an angel and she was too good for this earth.

Really stupid comment but there really are some men who think having lube means they don’t need to spend anytime getting a woman aroused and wet before trying to have intercourse, because they can just quickly lube up. These men are selfish assholes. Better advice would have been: don’t have sex with selfish assholes.

I feel like if she could just rephrase it to something like, Guys who skip foreplay are lazy, she’d really be hitting the nail on the head.

MMA Fighters! They’re just like us! Woefully egocentric and ill informed!

I heard that one time Julia Child used cake mix.

Can I keep you?

He’s a recovering addict who lives in a rehab center. Navigating the world is pretty hard in those circumstances even when you speak the language.

Marengo went to John F. Kennedy International Airport to meet the group for the flight home, but security thought he was homeless and made him leave. Being unable to protest, he boarded the subway without a destination.

The moral of the story is, don’t run a marathon.

Wow, look at that: Deadspin finally posts a story about the team that actually won the World Series and it’s not about the estimated half-million people who crowded downtown KC this afternoon for the victory parade, or the celebrating in KC that went into the wee hours of Monday morning with zero arrests and no

Frankly I’m more concerned that a strange woman is lurking behind me with a bunch of old timey condoms and what appears to be a urine sample.

I love how in the past, every older generation used to look at the new generation as so weird and out there. Like I would hear my friends’ grandparents complain about, “Kids these days with their Satanic music and devil clothing. Blah, blah, blah, get off my lawn.” But I can’t do that with Millennials. Because I think

[long fart noise]

Dude only decided to call the cops because they stiffed him on the tip. He had no problem with them walking out after 7 margs each.

Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.