Dark Belch

Fuck them forever and ever...amen

This movie fucked 13 year old me up.

As someone who has been a Misery (let’s just call it what it is) native for most of my life their racism here is crippling. No amount of education, work experience, kindness, or common decency will get you anywhere here.

Use an ionizer. Room has a neutral smell in about an hour.

He kind of looks like a mix between Ron Perlman and Lyle Lovett.

Don't regret my wine consumption tonight. But after getting "pope'd" I wish I was sober enough to figure out the killer is so I can go night night.

As a non white woman I do know.

Every woman should have been on their damn feet!

YES to the end of Patrica's speech!

ambiguous, arguable, chancy, debatable, disputable, doubtful, dubious, dubitable, enigmatic, iffy, indecisive, moot, open, precarious, problematical, puzzling, questionable, suspect, tricky, uncertain, unsettled, up for grabs

I thought this was a feminist website. This article is counterproductive and problematic.


Four five seconds gave me life...then Sam Smith took it away since every time I hear that song I literally want to die.

she just surpassed the Kim K. ugly cry, shit is getting real.

God damn it! So on point!

I literally never have any idea what is happening or has happened on this show but I do enjoy drinking copius amounts of wine so I keep watching.

Santana ate the mater, Olivia was across the hall, and we are getting pope'd! Bless this Thursday!

Anton Chekov because...yeah.