The Dark Prince

Me every time I look at LoL or similar games:

It really baffles the mind that their 'solution.' is to better communicate, rather than it is to say, have the item drop the color that it dropped for. If they tweaked the drop rates a bit and had it so that a legendary engram would drop a legendary, they'd pretty much kill this negative aspect of the game. Not only

We are opposites :-/

That's just impressive. Seems like everyone is playing a hunter. Warlock Pride!

I had to star and unstar your comment several times to get the added emphasis I needed.

Basically, you're getting tickets, and the color shows the highest-possible quality of item you could receive. It is not promising purple, only saying that purple is a potential from the item.

If you say so.

Cool story, tell me more. This is a news article with a comments section - the comments are where people speak their mind, positive and negative. Truth is my original intent wasn't to be "derogatory", I made a blanket statement - you're interpretation speaks volumes about how you perceive the world.

listen sweetheart im just saying what everyone else is thinking. You know why people sit at a store well before it is absolutely necessary (like when a real line forms, which in his area will likely be small)? For attention and nothing more - when I watch porn I don't seek attention, so is be pretty disturbed if

Especially if you imagine there's an Xbox One in the middle and those chains of people are all walking away from it.

Hi I'm level 10 now just thought you should know. >:)

The hypocrisy is astounding, seeing as they've been doing it with Call of Duty since 2008...

I'm not sure that hurricane of spittle is really doing your brand any favours.

Maybe you can cool your fanboy rage long enough to press enter once in a while? Paragraphs are your friend, without them you look like an idiot. Of course you look like an idiot anyway because you're trotting out the tired, old, and thoroughly discredited straw man argument that the original vision for the X1 would

PS3 had Blu-ray functionality, a guaranteed hard drive, more powerful hardware when it was utilised properly, free online capability, countries like Japan where it was doing better than the 360 right off the bat, and a company willing to invest in first-party studios to the point that the state of exclusives in the


That comment just proved his point, idiot.

Uh, the people reading Kotaku are a drop in the bucket compared to the gaming population as a whole.

He's saying she clothes shops a lot, she needs an entire button dedicated button for it.

This guy has every right to be as mad as he is. Games shouldn't be called out on not having "diversity" because that's not their intention, it's to make an enjoyable game. People need to take more shit at face value and not create conspiracy theories that these people are racists or sexists because they didn't add