The Dark Prince

I'm jealous of this guy so I'm just going to say he's got too much free time...

Examples, man. Examples.

I put multiple 24 hour sessions on my PS4 over launch weekend. No heating issues.

Xbox One gamers will not be able to upload video to Twitch.tv at launch, Microsoft said this morning. The lack of support leaves Xbox One users without the ability to broadcast live gameplay natively from the console.

Edison get's too much credit! Nikola Tesla is where it's at.

Yeah let's not read the operating manual and just go full retard with a $400 piece of electronic equipment.

I just wish the launch games were better

Owen, if you've possibly made it this far down in the comments, this guy is the reason why Kotaku comments are so awful these days. You guys said something about policing this stuff better awhile back, time to step up and get rid of a bad apple.

If you think kinect will be a must have thing, then you are the embarrassing one here. Get ready to feel like an idiot when MS makes pure shovelware manure for it like the first kinect. Hopefully there's enough gullible discontent kinect owners to the point that MS will release a kinectless box. Then I will

this comment is just as stupid, if not worse, then the one before it. think about it, your comeback is basically saying that sony fanboys are sad not to have a driving game at launch. who the fuck cares? you're as much of an M$ drone as he is a Sony drone.

You probably should try not to sound so much like one company's "drone" when you're bashing other people for being the other company's "drones."

Then you need to do your research before commenting on the topic.

Fuck yeah! Once you are in a low speed internet zone you can wait with anticipation for the download to finish, the next month.

The PS4 fans don't care at all about the Xb1, believe me.

"We have a play around with the Xbox One's User Interface and Snap-mode feature. Please note that this is the just the devkit version and the final version will be far more streamlined. However, it will give you a good idea of how the basic functions work without Kinect."

-"Please note that this is the just the devkit