The Dark Prince

Unfortunately even a long PSN history doesn't guarantee anything. I registered for a PS5 pre-order through Sony last year and my PSN is 11 years old and I wasn't selected. Apparently even a decade isn't enough loyalty to Sony 🤷🏻‍♂️. I know a couple people who got their pre-order invites with PSN accounts just 1-2…

Has not worked for me on Watch Dogs Legion either so far. 

PS5's SSD is a M.2 NVMe drive on a PCI4 architecture, not a Sata 3 drive.

It is hilarious that this involved Ronaldo too though haha

Yes, comes out September 12th for the PS4!

I absolutely loved Freedom Fighters. Still waiting for a sequel to come out.


I like Jacob but can’t beat Evie when it comes to personality. She’s a badass and is cute, can't beat that lol

He’s not.

In all honesty, they both sound pretty much the same for the most part, except for inflections and minor differences. I actually prefer the original voice, it sounds more suited for a Ghost to me.

Humans have been around for about 50,000 years, not 2000.

Because it looks retarded?

I loved Punisher: Warzone as well. You're not alone!

There are a LOT of people who didn’t get into Titanfall because of a lack of story/campaign (me included). I played it for 3 days before I got bored... I don’t know what it was but something about Titanfall didn’t feel satisfying. For some reason it just didn’t grip me like I expected it to and I’m sure that’s a huge…

The controller is made to represent the buttons/lights on his chest plate hence the grey/red/blue color scheme.

If that is true, they have at least one guaranteed buyer in me!

This got a good chuckle outta me. Thank you sir.

Definitely one of the best games I’ve played in the last couple years! Wish Activision actually marketed it instead of releasing it without any news and letting it whimper out into obscurity.

Freedom Fighters was AWESOME! Brings back memories... wish they made a sequel after ending the game on such a cliffhanger though.

I used your steps to install Windows 10 to a new SSD I had on my PC and I can confirm it does indeed work. I have windows 10 that is activated now with a fresh install on a new SSD after my original HDD upgrade on my previous windows!