The Dark Prince

Some people say wardrobe when they're talking about buying clothes. So upgrade wardrobe probably means buy new clothes... she's a female, fits right into their kind lmao

haha no no I was just kidding, I know this is a cinematic so I'm sure there are a lotta similar pics floating around! I don't need proof its yours lol

Except this game is published by Sony.

The article doesn't say it, but it is exclusive to the PS4. They announced it in the conference.

Oh I haven't look at either yet. I just heard the news that's it lol. I already have 2 controllers for my Xbox and PS4 so not buying any extra anytime soon anyway.

None. Their response is yet another Call of Duty edition console. Which I admit I would have gotten if I didn't own a Xbox One already.

Oh yeah he played 82 hours or so which is an insane amount of time to play in the crucible in a beta lol.. i only got 4 matches in and 0.8 hours in comparison but that's cause I was enjoying the PvE far more than PvP!

Well he does have a 4.0 K/D ratio and an impressive amount of captures as well as assists so I would say that yeah he's pretty well deserving of his rank.

IMO The Last of Us was overall the best game of last generation.

This is the exact pic I took with photo mode and posted on Facebook with the #thelastofus... wonder if it really is my pic :P

Regardless**... sorry I usually don't bother correcting grammar but since you put it in caps, it bothered me more than usual.

Are you by any chance on FML?

It looks and plays very smoothly in actual videos posted on Youtube and according to many preview articles on this exact gameplay. It will definitely look sluggish on a twitch stream and that's twitch's fault not the game running sluggishly.

That's exactly what I did. Jumped from camera to camera and finished that mission without firing a single shot. When I successfully walked away on the street without anyone knowing what I had done, I felt like such a badass lol

Yeah I tested it out on my PS4 and while my version does look more high res, the video is definitely accurate. Oh well, I wouldn't have noticed small stuff like this anyway. Although I hope they patch in the car headlight shadows soon. That is pretty unnerving lol

If this game really looks like GTA 3 to you, it's time to get a new pair of eyes bro. Or a new Optic nerve.

That really looks like he is running it in the lowest mode with everything turned off. I'm going to personally check some of this out on my PS4 version to see how accurate the original poster on youtube is.

I agree... I played about an hour today on my PS4 and it certainly looks closer to Ultra than Low. Still not as pretty as the 2012 demo but this is good enough for me since it plays smoothly and is fun :)

I would reserve my judgement till we have seen more than 45 secs of gameplay lol

Don't look at this twitch stream and pass judgement on the graphics lol.. youtube the earlier gameplay video. This game has gorgeous graphics and is by no means terrible.