The Dark Prince

I think you misunderstood me lol... It wasn't a literal question! I love 3rd person games personally so it was a rhetorical question since there hasn't been much shown of this game for people to bash it so hard already!

Yeah I've been playing New Order... great game! I can only hope this one provides some good atmosphere and story

I don't get all the complaints about this game. Sure it's a 3rd person shooter but why is that bad? There are only so many 'changes' you can do to shooters anyway. As long as the story is solid and the game runs fine and looks beautiful, this gameplay is perfectly acceptable to me!

Well it has a meteoritic of 80, which is average reviews lol... glowing would have been 85-90+ I think. I enjoyed both Ryse and Infamous so I guess it depends on your personal preference.

Yep, my PS4 is already about 75% filled up :/ it's either delete the old games or upgrade my HDD situation at this point lol

Lol yep its a 52gb download on the PS4 also. Downloaded it on release night and I was like O_O

I usually don't use my mic on either consoles unless I'm in a party with my friends. But that has rarely happened since most of them are still playing on the PS3 and 360. So I guess XBL might have better chat quality and I never noticed it since I haven't used chat in a couple months!

I do actually love mediocre ( In your opinion) open world games. Also, at least it's a cheaper paperweight than my Xbox One eh?

exactly my complaint! With such a huge amount of RAM upgrade from the last gen, the UI should be instantaneous, not slower or more tedious to navigate through!

Keyword being personal here. I own them both and its a matter of personal opinion. I find the Xbox UI extremely slow and laggy compared to the PS4 UI. Not to mention I hate the stupid Metro styled tiles all over the home screen. I would buy Infamous over Dead Rising anyway because I don't care about Dead Rising. Hate

Well I would politely disagree with you on Infamous being boring. Sure the gameplay can get a little repetitive but if you keep switching around the 4 powers, it's a lot of fun. And Ryse is about a hundred times more repetitive than Infamous so if you enjoyed Ryse, there should be no room for you to complain about

Maybe its your headphones? I own the Turtle Beach XP7's and voice quality and clarity seem to be top notch for me on both consoles.

I don't really care about the advertisements on either console but the PS4 wins the UI part for me simply because it is so much faster at responding and looks cleaner. When I look at the jumbled tiled mess that is my Xbox UI, it gives me a headache. Not the mention, my Xbox takes about 30-45 secs to even open up

Sounds about right... I am in Medical school so I usually only get about 45 mins to 1 hour a day to play my consoles. So I have to charge the controller once every week which is perfectly acceptable to me.

Yeah same here. Took me about a week to finish one play through and I still haven't even started the Paper Trail DLC or Cole's Legacy yet. Completed every other side quest etc. though. Going to start my evil play through soon and that would take another 4-5 days I think. But I actually like taking the game in haha.

Maybe you should hold off on selling it for a bit. I own both the PS4 and Xbox One and I haven't turned my One on in a month since the multi plats run and look better on the PS4 anyway. Also Wolfenstein is awesome and Watch Dogs comes out next week. Give them a try, I'm sure you'll like them.

Hmm dunno about those lol... I usually only play inFamous, FIFA, BF4 and Titanfall... indie games aren't really my thing


You missed the joke he was making which is why you're confused lol

Thank you! Finally someone who is complaining about how slow the Xbox One UI is in responding and opening apps... seems slower than the 360 sometimes I swear. On the other hand my PS4's UI might not be as flashy but shit happens the instant you click on it lol.. ah well hopefully they'll optimize it with time.