The Dark Prince

You should add The Order: 1886, Deep Down, Uncharted and the remastered version of The Last of Us (if you haven't already played it) to that list! :) I own both the Xbox One and PS4 so I obviously like both consoles but so far I'm liking the smoothness and speed of the PS4 UI far more... that's my opinion though, not

You should add Order:1886, Deep Down and Uncharted to that list... and if you happened to miss out on one of the best games of last gen aka Last of Us, then add that to the list as well since it is being released again in a couple of months with graphics upgrades and all the DLC included!

Thank you! I appreciate it! Mine is stock but it should give me an idea :)

Hmm I wonder if my GTX 680 4Gb model will be able to handle this with all the settings turned up to max...

It won't fit... they stated that this card is 12" long!

Well that would indicate a pretty good English teacher at your High School wouldn't it? Why, then, did you make it sound like community college English teachers are subpar or on the level of "High School" teachers?

Your sentence structure and grammar in your first sentence is horrible. Did you happen to attend a community college by any chance? Your English is at a high school level at best.

Oh, that's great... does it include the sound setup, monitor, motherboard, PSU , keyboard, mouse and OS as well? Because you seem to forget that all that stuff adds up to about 500 more.. so $1000 total approximately? Doesn't sound such a good deal now does it? And I won't even go into the headaches of bad GPU drivers

Now playing

Also this video by Games Radar pretty such 100% sums up what I'm trying to say:

Wow.. I guess I got lucky then eh. Both my DS4's are still as good as brand new and I've been using them every day since launch day!

See there are benefits to them sure, but IMO the cons outweigh the benefits. If a game has to force you to search out real people playing then it isn't as fun really. Also the biggest reason those bots are useless is because their AI is pretty much non existent. I have literally ran around kicking them to death even

How about more than 6 players in a game? Maybeeeeee less cannon fodder useless bots? Or at least smarter AI in those bots? I dunno I guess I can look at BF4 and think of quite a few things Titanfall needs. It is not a bad game by any means, I enjoyed it for the duration of the beta but there was nothing exemplary

The best FPS in the past decade you say? Mighty big praises for a game not even out yet. IMO the beta was completely underwhelming...

THANK YOU! This is exactly what I thought after I played the beta for a couple days. If BF4 can have 64 players with jets and tanks AND destructible environments, then making a 6v6 multiplayer game is just silly especially since those bots are exceedingly stupid and are literally useless. There have been so many

Well I HAVE played it on both PC and my Xbox One for the last couple days and I agree 100% with what popsiclezeratul is saying. It is fun for sure but definitely not a system seller in my opinion and I see people kinda drifting away from playing it as soon as the new CoD comes out.

Definitely! I really hope they improve the game and I enjoy the final release though because otherwise I'll have to leave my One to collect dust while I play my PS4 lol...

I think the biggest problem with it is that there are a lot of bots and they are exceedingly useless lol. There were quite a few games of attrition (Team deathmatch) where they had a couple people just going around killing bots and winning matches by bot farming. When that starts to happen, its like playing against

Pretty much everyone on my XBL friend list and a few others I've talked to who play on the PC version have said it gets boring fast! I played a couple hours today again on both the One and PC and it became a chore pretty fast. Hopefully they have enough maps and Titan/Pilot progression and variety to make it

There are quite a few who are afraid to say so due to the fear of the backlash that will surely rain upon them if they speak out against the only Xbox One flagship this year if Halo 5 gets pushed back.

I dunno... I played it quite a bit and while it was fun at first, it quickly got mehh as I played on. Definitely not game changing. If they manage to add more players then it will be better but as of right now, the bots in there are mind bogglingly stupid and 6v6 just isn't as fun when there are games like BF4 out