
thank fuck for dash cams.. they have given us footage after footage of Russian craziness and now they are saving innocent people from false accusation by police.

20-60 is what they should measure.. basically the sort of acceleration runs that you can use to overtake and put a smile on your face without breaking any speed limits.

keep reversing... he gets tired.. run him, the fuck, over.. this is the basics of GTA5 .. duhh

not bad for a day's (night's) work.

they did offer a 6 speed manual option. good luck finding one though. just finding a picture of one is commodity in itself.


so what is so different about it apart from painting it white and putting the colours of the french flag on it ?

Real life Grand Theft Auto.. its almost as if the guy was getting attacked by zombies.. and his mission was to escape.. Mission Accomplished.

the guy is worth $5 billion.. he could essentially but the whole hotel damn hotel. what a skidmark.

Just shows where the priority in F1 lies these days.

the median networth of an american today is $50,000.. thats NET WORTH. that is how much they will have if they sell EVERYTHING they own and pay off their debt. can you blame them ?

anyone notice a huge drop in value of 2nd hand 12C's ? there's a perfectly good 18k miled 12C in the UK for for £90k, and a 3 others priced less than £100k .. it was closer to £120k for a similar miled and speced 12C when i checked last month.

Car thieves HAVE to strip the car out to find the GPS tracking device (which most high performance cars have these days) and disconnect it before the owner wakes up and gives the GPS tracking location points to the Police. Fortunately, they ran out of time.

Hammond's shower scene had me in tears.

In control or not.. if you've spun off, you don't just spin back onto the track like that. Not even Grosjean/Maldonado would do this

I have heard about their track wear. Some hardcore track day guys actually swap their Carbon Ceramics rotors for standard ones simply because the added benefits are not worth extra costs on the track.

Don't manufacturers say they last more than 100,000 miles ?

you can't blame the people for buying cars. "now is the time to start spending, save our economy" said pretty much every western government after the 2008 crash. It may have helped GDP numbers, stock prices etc go up, but now everyone is poor because of all the interest they are starting to pay off now. consumerist

they are Michelin Supersport tyres.. the same you get on the M5 F10, which was faster. Even the old SRT-10 Viper, which has older, less wet-friendly tyres (michelin PS2) went round faster in the same conditions. Porsche gt3 996, also with PS2's was faster.. there's really no excuse.. even with 1100+ hp (which only

Rob stated an opinion and then Tyrese goes all "my dick is bigger than yours" ??.. "what the actual fuck" is the correct response.