
His wife dies and all he can think about is refunding her ticket ?? that is sad on a whole new level.

I don't really care about banning guns. I live in the UK where guns are banned but i'm not exactly protesting to get guns legalised.

not having a licence, insurance and documentation means she is mentally incapable of driving a car without running people over ?

It is unfair when you consider its rivals (other FWD cars) did do it with regular tyres, so it doesn't really show exactly much faster the car ACTUALLY is in terms of raw, non-tyre performance

280mph ? i doubt.. its got more canards, bigger splitter and a spoiler than a DTM racer.

you forgot $100 per hour of breathing the air in the cabin.

if they can get 30% more power/torque and 50% more fuel efficiency, maybe normally aspirated engines won't be extinct after all ! Bring on the NA V8/V10/V12s !!

UAE are bit behind the times arn't they. We're already a few steps ahead in the UK with the "fuck the poor regime", its called the "congestion charge".. its used to clear London roads of poor people (whom the the charge hurts the most) for the billionaire hedge fund managers in their Rolls Royces (whom its barely a

hate your z06 ? what ? i love Z06's though :S

So, Jeremy... you Brits will be taking Morgan back from us, right? Right?

Its sad when we get closed minded people on here that will be a fan-boy of anything "American".

i wonder if they just sell the everything minus the the stupidly complex running gear ?? a standard ZR1 motor, Porsche transaxle in the back with those looks.

that was the 17 year olds fault to be honest. the view of the kid was fully obscured by the school bus so he/she should have stop, wait till view is clear,.. clear ? go.. this was straight up reckless.

$51,000 ?? RIP OFF !! ;) a canadian Stringray starts at $47,600 in USDollars

the german ones have more equipment as standard and the price's are usually 'on-the-road' prices, so it will include everything like road tax, 20% VAT, registration plates, full tank of fuel and more.

there was not much wrong with the live axle.. on a smooth, flat race track. it was when it got bumpy, where it became a tiny bit dangerous and unpredictable.

more cyclists/motorcyclists = more deaths/road rage.

has to be "kurva"

£100 a month for 5 years is all i'm willing to pay for a veyron atm

thats a woman ?