
Absolutely true, and it’s been irritating me to no end. I also voted for Hillary, and like Chappelle, I also don’t feel good about it. Part of the reason why is that her propaganda machine has the people who should be on my side, acting like irrational Tea Party nutters with

And her giggling? How does that fit in to your theory?

He did not say that he didn’t see it. He said that he didn’t realize how deep it was. It’s very common. It looks like just a bunch of water in the road, and really it’s an 8-10 ft flooded area. There are often fatalities.

The water was probably at least 8 ft. I know him, he’s not that tall.

I think she’s probably delusional, and believes her own romantic myth. Mainly because I can’t see what else she stands to gain from having sex with a person like that.

Boo you, indeed. I hope you don’t plan to have sex after you turn 40.

This author has never heard of sociolinguistics - or social science. And yet is probably getting paid to write completely irrelevant things about how slang neither comes from, symbolizes, nor shapes popular culture.

Wow. Enjoy that gig while it lasts. Next year, anti-intellectualism might finally go out of style in

The only exception I take to this article is that the author only seems to believe that this happens when the man wants to have sex with the woman and is pursuing her. I’ve had men who were not interested in me make a big deal about ‘letting me down easy’ or tell other people that I was pursuing them. I once lost a

It kindof matters a whole lot when it’s a teacher. It always matters, of course - but it’s worst for a teacher to be racist. That means she’s passing it on to students, and probably disadvantaging her black students in ways that will follow them forever.

When did she say she was a size 6? Was she being serious?

You should do proper investigation before commenting total BS.

So, you are suggesting that this piece is NOT intended to press people to be introspective, to evaluate their own approach and intentions? Really?

Then I would ask you, what WAS it trying to accomplish, then? When you criticize people, you are either trying to get them to change themselves (which yes, makes it about

You didn't read what I wrote. I never said "since it exists elsewhere for women it should exist here for men." I said if men could do this without actually meaning it - without it representing HOW THEY ACTUALLY TREAT WOMEN, then that also could be a joke, and if done well, a funny one. The problems women have in our

Sorry, I didn't miss your point and wasn't actually trying to argue with you. I just took your comment as an opportunity to vent because his piece made me that angry. I don't think I've ever heard of him before, so I don't know whether to be surprised or not.

Yes, more than half of my close female friends have been raped or sexually abused as children - But there is a reason for that. We who have been through it tend to recognize something in each other. We spot a person who can understand. We group together. I have talked to women who I liked but never could really feel

It's to maintain the status quo, period. Not specifically about the rape activity itself - but the activity is taking place in a cultural and institutional context that could be threatened if it is forced to confront this element. A lot of people have a lot invested in things exactly the way they are - our system

But he has no reason to believe that, other than he imagines for some reason that it's probably true. Given what he says about the whole thing, the reason he has decided that it's probably true is probably due to her being a woman. Therefore, there is a strong element of sexism in his spurious claims.

"What could he possibly gain from this stance, other than deep hatred from all women working in media?"

The deep hatred of all women who have been raped - especially when they were raped in precisely the ways he says he doesn't believe ever happen. (Because, he just feels really sure about it.) I hate him just about as

I'm betting that everybody connected to the fraternity is saying it's false, without even seeing a single one of those numerous emails. Maybe even a lot of people who aren't connected to the fraternity but would be happier if everybody calmed down and nothing changed. But if they don't have hard evidence of a hoax,

If anybody is headed over to this asshat's blog to read his story, jut don't read the comments section. It's really too horrible, and full of exactly the stuff that certain people claim *isn't* out there (because rape culture is a feminist invention, of course.) Guys insisting that women have rape fantasies and she