
I find the mean-spiritedness of mocking her very sad.

If she writes things that people in her town want to read, gives them information that is relevant to their lives in their community, why is it any of our business to comment on her worthiness at all? She's certainly not making the world a *worse* place.

Just out of curiosity, if you are offended by it, why did you read it?
The title describes it pretty well. It's exactly what I thought it would be when I clicked on it. Did you expect something that would not offend you, or did you click just to come here and tell the rest of us that it offends you that we find it

Hmm. I think this article is more damaging than helpful. You're assuming at every turn that he DID do something wrong, that she IS traumatized. Let's not forget, as feminists, that women also have the agency to be evil, petty and vindictive. I've known girls who screamed "rape" for revenge. It's rare, but it does

Because it's satire - the idea is that this is "real-world" advice, not a discussion of how things should be. So she offers "survival tips" that (through sarcasm) point out just how horrible it is to put the responsibility on women to protect themselves. It's like a sequel to the race/guns advice bit that was done a