I find it laughable that he derides the press for being unfair. He could be getting it so much worse. He’s a fucking moron and they pretend like what he says is rational and coherent.
I find it laughable that he derides the press for being unfair. He could be getting it so much worse. He’s a fucking moron and they pretend like what he says is rational and coherent.
Public shaming of anyone that hit like seems like a good use of the internet outrage machine.
Yeah. It was really anti-intellectual and a little confusing, honestly. ASK US BUT DON’T IT’S NOT OUR JOB TO TELL YOU SHIT!
How about we just say that no matter what you weigh, you are free to want to lose weight for whatever reason or you are free to be like fuck yeah, I’m good just the way I am. I mean yeah, it’s refreshing to hear that (as someone who is super tall and weighs more than that as a result) but lets not hate on our 135…
He heavily implies that she's making up the story because she's a woman being duped by strong emotions and biases. Instead of doing more research to address his grievances—like the article in Washington Post, where Erdely says that she kept some details quiet to protect the victim—he questions the integrity of her…
I realize you're just trolling, but lots of other people are asking the same question in less obnoxious ways.
Please read for comprehension. I'm not talking about my brother (who I don't even mention in my comment). I don't care about anyone's faith in Rolling Stone, blind or otherwise. Erdely's primary source was not anonymous (Jackie is her real name). Erdely has never said "trust me" and her reporting included talking to…
Richard Bradley is profoundly baffled by Kinja, but he has emailed me a response blog post to my response blog post. This is like Inception only so much worse. Here it is! http://www.donotlink.com/cqjq
I don't know, if I were the EIC of Worth I might prefer to be known as mostly retired.
Good point, Jim! Let's explore what I did in the blog post you mentioned versus what Robby's doing, shall we?
In the interest of transparency, here's a message Richard Bradley just sent me on LinkedIn:
"white men who mistake their own chin stroking blatherings for insight" is the most apt descriptor of this particular brand of libertarian politics I've ever read. Take all my internet points!!
Call me wacky, but I don't think that "receiv[ing] emails from people alleging they know people at UVA connected to the story" equals "reporting," nor that "some dispute the veracity of the story" constitutes "news."
The real problem, Bradley writes is that "Emotion has outswept reason. Jackie, for example, alleges that one out of three women who go to UVA has been raped. This is silly."
Hi Robby! Thanks for stopping by! One small correction: I don't think you've ever "reported" a goddamn thing in your life. (And because I know you're going to do this, either here or in my Twitter mentions, which you and your friends are currently stink-clouding up with your Feelings, I have a master's degree in…
I don't believe that Chicago exists. I have never been there; no one I know has ever been there (except for my friend Jackie who changed planes at O'Hare, but she said it was real snowy so it could have been a different airport covered in white paint); "Chicago" is a funny word and "City of Broad Shoulders" rings real…
Ah yes, the fame and fortune that come from fabricating a story about your gang rape! What riches and notoriety await those women who spin a delightful yarn about being violated ten ways from Sunday! What exciting prizes and praise are bestowed upon them as they pretend to have been assaulted by beer bottles and/or…
If I had a libertarian magazine, I'd be trying hard to avoid confirming the stereotype of libertarians as being strictly out of touch white men who mistake their own chin-stroking blatherings for insight.