
Christ, don't go all Kathleen Hale on me. I really won't care about this issue longer than it takes me to finish my coffee. I read a couple of articles; I formed an opinion. Calm the fuck down.

No, I've just become aware of it recently. I feel like "Blythe" is just typical internet scum. Trolling is stupid, pathetic, and wrong. Catfishing is also stupid, pathetic and wrong. This Blythe character was actively trying to ruin someone's career. That being said, the author's response to the situation was 100%

Yes, but also, fuck Blythe. Blythe is the worst, and then somehow Kathleen became the worstest.

oh. dear. god. That is pretty much a list of things that would make someone 100% undateable for me.

Woof. Of all the things to insist on in a husband ... well, hopefully those two crazy kids worked it out.

I like your attitude. We'll try just for you.

I loved this movie so much. It came out when I as 8. I made my parents rent it for me like ten times. Oh god, how they suffered.

I'm in a similar situation. I think the most romantic thing would be to elope. You know, go to SF City Hall (which is fucking gorgeous btw) and just make a weekend of it for ourselves. Then we would come home and have like a potluck party for our family and friends. Like a reasonable party that only people we actually

Ugh, Stanzi, I appreciate that you're speaking your truth, but I'm just not trying to hear it right now. Hang in there, girl. I'm gonna have an afternoon cocktail for the both of us.

Take a bow, madam.

Serious question: how did you eventually get rid of those guests that just won't leave?

Oh god, that's bleak. Did no one ever explain to her that first-time sex is tremendously disappointing?

Let me tell you, planning this wedding is the least sexy thing dudeofthedead and I have ever done. It's time consuming, argument provoking, and expensive. When the "big day" rolls around I honestly don't think it's going to suddenly make us super horny. We're basically being forced to engage in public speaking and

I'm glad you were able to dig around enough to find an article that almost addresses your point. That in no way proves that "the expressed point in Jezebel to judge men as bad if they don't want to fuck them."

ooooooh burn

I can't even keep track of the weird things you're accusing me of now. What are we even talking about? btw here is a screen shot of all the articles recommend by you. I don't see a single one "complaining about body standards and male preferences". And thanks for calling me a bad feminist? What does that even mean?

It is hilarious that that's what you think the "expressed point" of Jezebel is. Not even close, dude. You know a fair amount of the content is about how it would be better if men just left us alone and stopped telling us what to do.

lol i think he's mad. quick! can a nurturing and supportive female get over here and fix these hurt feelings! please someone, help!!!! someone's feelings are hurt on the internet!

The difference is that I don't expect a group of people to constantly strive to conform to my specific desires.

Can someone please come pick up their crying child?