Hermione Danger

And it’s sung by Odo!

Shit, yeah. “Part of Your World,” “Under the Sea,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” and “Kiss the Girl” all feel like you could make a case for them somewhere in the top 20 Disney songs. The first 3 might all belong in the top 10.

“Les Poisson” is no throwaway. I always wondered if they got backlash from French people. Or French chefs at least. Or cartoon French chefs. Zut alors!

I came in here all ready to argue with the headline (and I still don’t agree with it on a personal level), but the more I thought about it, the harder it is for me to deny that “I Wanna Be Like You” belongs in AT LEAST the top 5 Disney songs of all time.

Jungle Book best soundtrack!?

I would disagree with most of these but I appreciate the conviction on display.

Sword in the Stone is underrated. “Mad Madam Mim” is a fabulous, underappreciated villain song.

The Jungle Book is probably my favorite Disney movie, followed closely by The Sword in the Stone. (I love the aggressive little sugar bowl.) I actually think The Jungle Book may be the first movie I saw in the theater way back in 1967. Sheesh, I’m old.

That little record player with the Golden Books is absolutely the sound of my childhood. I used to spend hours in my rooms listening to those things, including the Jungle Book soundtrack.

me and my girlfriend did it while listening to this whole album lol

Given how most shows can only deliver 10 good episodes at best per season, the idea of only watching shows with 22 episode orders confuses me. Aren’t you just watching more hours of filler?

This is just my weekly plea for this show to kill off James. Thanks.

Her entrance, with the hair flip and the burnt skirt, was a thing of campy beauty.

You’ve captured it perfectly. I’m slowly getting my head around this season, but the smoking hole in the ground that was their relationship - and its attendant fallout - are visceral, and compelling in a way that no other TV show has ever been for me. And I’m nearly old enough to be their parents.

Misdirection in trailers pretty much baked into cookie at this point. In fact, it not clear in that last exchange that Rey and Kylo actually in same room. Maybe she coming to Leia for guidance! Me look to these things for look of movie and broad themes, not plot points. Abrams still producer — there always going to be

the keyboard commands work too (hates me a drop menu and it doesn’t even have underline as an option)

You can, but you have to use the font tool. Upper right of the reply box, click on the “Aa” dropdown and you’ll get a font tool bar that does list formatting, inline quotes, bold, italics and strikethrough (along with embedded links and images).


The last name they gave her on the show was almost exactly the same as her real one “Al-Jamil.” In an early episode she reveals that in another language her full name means “Congratulations Beautiful,” because of course it does. This means her real name is “_____ Beautiful.” Someone fill in the blank with whatever