Hermione Danger

Oh, I have no issue with anachronistic pop. Moulin Rouge! is literally my favorite musical of all time. The songs are OK. They’re just a little Imagine Dragons-y for my tastes. But I think I agree about Efron & Zendaya with Barnum as the villain, or at least as someone shadier than the movie gives us. That could be

OMG enough with the complaining about how all these episodes aren’t like normal episodes of their perspective shows, already! Sheesh. You critic folks have been the biggest buzzkills about this event.

(Okay, the James dying part not so great.)

The Doctor has been a dude dressing as a dude all this time, so I think to jump right to feminine clothing would be out of place. Maybe this is the Doctor’s attempt at trying to dress feminine and that’s why it looks kind of wacky. I get where you’re coming from though. Who knows? Maybe her outfit will change the more

stay in Hawkins. Every episode. Just stay there. 80s suburbia is exactly where this story belongs, not in Chicago with Rufio and the lost boys.

Okay, seriously, does anyone give a damn about Dr Brenner on any level whatsoever? He’s a bland character with no personality beyond “generic government scientist”. He’s not threatening thanks to the meek look of Matthew Modine. He isn’t interesting on any level.

Less is often more with a Doctor outfit. 9 had a leather jacket. 10 had the trenchcoat and the sneakers. 11 had the wonderful tweed jacket and bowtie combo. 12 had whatever he wanted because Peter Capaldi is awesome.

Thor may not be particularly noteworthy cinema such as this conversation concerns, but I think that it’s a terrific “little” film that balances heart and spectacle and is better than anyone probably would’ve predicted a Thor film to be.

Holy cow, are we making an issue out of this? I saw the Beyond Stranger Things episode myself and Sadie was embarrassed, but not traumatized. If you get a job in Hollywood you eventually have to pretend to kiss people you don’t love in real life. It’s how acting works. Quit grasping at straws just because you’re

“And they ruined her beautiful hair.”

THANK YOU. SOMEBODY FINALLY SAID IT. She turned her into an ‘edgy 90s cyberpunk antihero’ which is a shit look no matter how you slice it.

All I could see was JP from Grandma’s Boy:

Do you use four puffs of the Farrah Fawcett spray?

Yeah, he was kinda useless. (Minor, vague spoilers ahead.)

Unless they do something in season 3 to justify him, Billy was the most useless character the entire season. You could cut him out and almost nothing would be changed.

She’s right, of course.

Agreed — no reason why they needed the 80s bully. His character was completely one dimension (angry teenager listens to metal and has a prick for a father) and ultimately amounted to nothing except as a minor adversary for Steve to overcome.

the original Will & Gracehad a certain high bar of witty sophistication, bolstered by occasional slapstick humor. Best of all, it was frequently funny.

Eric McCormack is 54. Debra Messing is 49. They both are talented actors and look great. But it is either very sad or incredibly pathetic that Will and Grace haven’t matured at all. If you’re going to have them act like this well into middle age, at least own up to how ridiculous it is.

Can I talk about Superstore here?

Lotta laughs from this one, especially Horatio Sanz’ extremely baffled “What?” to the pregnancy remark. I don’t know why, but that kind of thing always gets a laugh out of me.