Hermione Danger

The music may be anachronistic pop, but it’s catchy, rousing anachronistic pop, and it’s reason enough to see the movie, I think.

They’re spinning this all wrong.

She doesn’t have to, but why not?
It just seems like two steps forward, one step back to have the first female Doctor dress very similarly to the recent male Doctors. She’s got Matt Smith’s suspenders and boots, and the coat is remiscent of Peter Capaldi’s hoodie/blazer combo.
If you’re going to commit to a female

Alice Cooper’s got them thaaaaaangs.

His style is very all-encompassing. I’ve not seen a single of his films that- despite the debatable quality of story- I didn’t enjoy being surrounded by for 90 minutes.

Stranger Things 3 needs to stay squarely in Hawkins. It’s part of why the show works. So unless Kali shows up in Indiana, I never need to see her again. I’m still not convinced Max isn’t also a numbered kid.


Her makeover is just the worst. All bulky fabrics with no color. And they ruined her beautiful hair. The season-one makeover was incredibly more iconic than anything they tried here.
No one’s dressing up as season-two El for halloween next year, that’s for sure.

Papa bless.

Based on what we’ve heard so far, Taylor Swift’s new album is something I’m dreading more than anticipating. “...Ready For It” is the best of the singles we’ve gotten, but still not as good as 1989. Here’s hoping she’s holding back the truly good stuff (because she is capable of great music), but yeah, I’m nervous.

Unpopular opinion: that movie has aged horribly and listening to everyone turn up their noses at virginity in a Disney film is incredibly bizarre. I mean Jesus Christ, Max’s sister even calls him a virgin in the most disgusted way!

We get a little shading for Billy, sure. But not enough to justify his presence and actions in the season. I hope his character will pay off in season three. If I were a betting person, I’d say he’s a closeted gay kid who doesn’t know how to deal with life.

“The Lost Sister” was such a gargantuan misstep that I had to remind myself why I loved this show. It’s also a symptom of a larger issue: Eleven. I loved her in season one, and I want to love her in season two, but try as I might, she is the character I was the least invested in this time around.

I’ve finished the season, and I still couldn’t tell ya. We get the slightest sliver of insight into their home life, and it raises more questions than answers.

They’re gonna have a helluva time making sure people call this show “nine-one-one,” and not “nine-eleven.” Even as I was watching the trailer, I kept waiting for the planes to crash into the WTC.

I don’t know if I’d go as far to say it was “enviable,” but I would very much rather live in the suburbs instead of NYC, especially if I was raising children. Not all manicured lawns are hiding skeletons!

His “Okay, I’m stupid. Are you happy?” was a highlight for me.

“Literally ONLY this” is the hardest I’ve laughed at this show to date.

“My baby... that I actually had.” “I read a really long book!” “I have a gay friend!” “I married a penis in a wig!”

Barry and Cisco’s sad reactions to “shut up, old man,” was the loudest I’ve laughed at this show ever. Iris at the funeral was a close second.