Hermione Danger

That’s literally the only way I’d want a “revival” to happen. iZombie is the show we have now (and probably wouldn’t if Veronica Mars had lived longer), and I’d rather Rob Thomas devote his time to making that one great (which it is- consistently).

Flash Light

Yeah, the channel that ran Glee for six years is totally an alt-right propaganda machine.

“At the same time, Stephen Moyer’s relative stoicism in these scenes is about as he’s good on this show so far...” Might want to take another swing here.

“I can’t say anything to your face / cuz look at your face” is virtually unacceptable, but “...Ready For It?” gave us “he can be my jailer / Burton to this Taylor,” which is a very clever line.

Me too. Someone like Michael C. Hall or Billy Zane would’ve worked much better, I think.


I’m in the middle of the episode right now, and I still can’t quite make sense in my head that the Latino Mark Consuelos is supposed to be playing a terrifying patriarch named... Hiram Lodge.

Good. There was enough distracting stuff in that film already without Beyonce’s predictably-terrible French accent.

Seriously. And FOX in particular has a horrible track record of shoving extended orders to shows that didn’t need them. Glee, Sleepy Hollow, and Empire all would have been better served by keeping their shortened seasons.

Here for anything Hunchback-related.

“hee hee hee, HON HON HON!”

gets me gigglin’ every time.

If there’s not a drag queen out there with that as their theme song, we’re all doing something wrong.

Sword in the Stone is a gem, and one film I’d be fine with them turning into live-action.
That movie was a haven of sarcastic humor too. If you were a proto-Chandler Bing like me in the 80s/90s, you loved the passive-aggressive bon mots that Archimedes and Merlin would toss back and forth.

The entire Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack would beg to differ.

That would make sense, seeing how well-rendered the powers have been so far. Less episodes = bigger budget per outing.

Yeah, I’ve watched the whole series so far. I’m a fan, don’t get me wrong.
But I was talking about each show’s style. The Gifted already has its own “look” that feels distinctive. SHIELD has never really had any kind of style or look. It’s always felt basic. The characters fare much better- it’s just the

Oh thank God

I’m gonna say it: I want Mon-El back. I hope he’s not gone for good.
I totally agree with this show growing, changing, and adapting, but I never thought he was a bad egg. And they’re still saddling themselves with their biggest deadweight in James. AND now Maggie’s leaving before long? Do not want!

Still, Melissa

And goddammit can we not italicize on Kinja? I just want my posts to be MLA-compliant.