Hermione Danger

This show is doing so many things so well. Marvel Studios’ TV division should take notes. Two episodes in and <i>The Gifted</i> already feels more distinctive than anything <i>Agents of SHIELD</i> has ever done.

Funny you thought Bell was the good actor and Moyer the weaker one- I thought the exact opposite. I never

That poster is beautiful.

The trailer was pretty great, and I’d bet at least one of those teased moments won’t go down like we think. There’s still no real hint of a plot, just a reestablishment of everyone’s place in the narrative. In my humble internet opinion, no real spoilers.

Oh the Inhumans costumes are still awful, but I thought they looked like they were at least designed by someone who knew how to accentuate an actor’s bodily assets. The costumes on The Orville are just drab and unflattering.

Good to know the show is finding its feet, even if I can’t quite get behind it yet.

Geez I feel so bad for Tahani. Jameela Jamil and the writers are doing excellent work to make her totally insufferable but also incredibly sympathetic.

While this episode was a little better than last week’s, I’m still struggling to let go and enjoy the show like in the good ol’ days. A bunch of twenty/thirty-somethings getting into shenanigans is one thing, but a bunch of fifty-somethings doing the exact same stuff comes off as immature and icky. I know it’s a TV

Yikes. Sorry you hated this so much. I really loved it. Especially Joanna Garcia-Swisher’s character’s perspective on Kevin’s botched suicide. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem and it always leaves huge damage behind. I hope they pull at that thread some more.

Every season around this time, I get to a point where I wonder if I can keep watching these awful, awful people because I fear it’ll rub off on me in some insidious way... but then they end the episode with Jimmy doing Jimmy’s version of “trying,” and I’m back in.

PS there’s no way Lindsay’s not also a halloween person.

Thanks! I promise I looked for both of those for a while, but I couldn’t find them anywhere.

So is no one reviewing “The Mayor” or “Kevin (Probably) Saves the World” for the A.V. Club? Been waiting for those since yesterday.

I really enjoyed this first episode. Color me surprised that the adults were the dullards of the hour, since I was sure it would be the kids that would be hard to watch. And even then-Acker and Moyer weren’t totally awful. I’m hopeful they’ll get to do more as the series goes on.

Interesting you found Swan easier to watch than Mount- I had the exact opposite reaction. I thought Mount was suitably intimidating in his silence (I agree that his interaction with the police was his golden moment), while I thought Swan was trying waaaay too hard. Admittedly, she’s saddled with a lot that she has to

Feud: Katy and Taylor

Swift being a closet Slytherin up until now really does make total sense.

Yeah, she was. But not in it enough to build up her character for us (or Ted, for that matter) to actually fall in love with her. And her "gradual death"? Please. She was fine until twenty minutes into the finale, and then she was just dead. No time for the emotion to register, no time for us to go with Ted on his

"gradual death of a sitcom character they've grown to like"

I don't want your life.

I've said this to multiple people on the edge, and they've all looked back at me with saucer-sized eyes. It's like they're shocked to realize that there are actually people who will walk this road with them. Breaks my heart every time.

"I tried so hard / and got so far / but in the end / it doesn't even matter"

A model with a goddam castle, no less.