Hermione Danger

He's too busy trying to convince his wife to stay in the 1960's over on Outlander!

My friend's husband works for Google, and apparently one of his jobs was, once upon a time, to seek out potential new viral videos and/or memes. We were all hanging out one day and he sent us the link to the original Vanessa Carlton Spiderman Slap video without any context.

So…is this the last we'll see of Bill too? If so, that's unfortunate. I really liked her and Pearl Mackie's portrayal. Would've been nice to have her as an anchor for what promises to be a very… transitional series 11.

Thanks for all your writing these last five years! I remember when you started writing for Gravity Falls, and how I was so happy to read the words of someone who was as completely in love with that goofy little show as I was (and still am, tbh). We'll miss you around these parts!
Papa bless!


They had me at:

No thanks.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think one of Taylor Swift's strengths (and she's got a few) is being able to subtly change up her image for each of her albums to give each one a distinct tone and feel.

I long for the days of her debut, One of the Boys, which was a surprising treasure trove of pop with a tinge of attitude. Everything since then has chipped away at the signature image Perry burst onto the scene with way back in 2008. Teenage Dream was fine, but not as front-to-back great as that first album. Then Prism

My favorite moment from The Mummy is when they all first come into contact with Imhotep and he roars at Evie and Rick. Rick just responds with another roar that conveys comedy, fear, and bravery all at once and it's just the perfect encapsulation of what makes that first film so goddamn fun to watch.

Yes and yes. This is why I'd also put Zac Efron in the club with Fraser and Zane as someone who hasn't made a huge impact. He's too perfect.

Shauna is most definitely out to destroy Major, right? The scene of her video-ing him singing stuck out to me as a red flag, especially after she apparently posted it. Plus, there was what seemed like an intentional flash of her taking a selfie with Major in the preview for next week.
My guess is that she's part of

yass kween yass

And that, kids, is How I Met Your Mother.

I'm gonna need a jaunty number called "Billy Mitchell, Silly Bitchell."
Thanks in advance.

I'm assuming this film will also end in a massive orgy?

I'll be surprised if we get a Baywatch 2. Box office projections aren't looking good for this, and the aggregate score on RT is embarrassing.

"Fuck you, science!"

"If there were a book with covers made of shit, you'd think 'That's intriguing. I wonder what's in this book that they saw fit to give it covers made of pure shit.' And then you open it and… shit."