Hermione Danger

Oh my god I love it. Allllllll of it.

"Did you just talk about your brother's dick?"
"Hahaha no! Delete, delete!"

Right?! You wouldn't think so, but there are still people out there who by default see The CW as the teeny-bopper trash network- like it's the channel to watch when you're too old for Disney Channel but not quite ready to embrace premium cable.
In those situations, I am wont- no, compelled- to correct them.

I've been operating under the suspicion that Betty and Polly are the same person for a while now, and as much as this episode offered evidence to the contrary, I'm still not totally convinced everyone except Betty knows that Polly is her split personality. We still haven't seen Polly, and even the old home video Mr.

My friend from college wrote this episode!! As in , he didn't just "come up with the story," or simply "suggest things to the higher-ups."

Did anyone else catch the preview for next week's episode? As pissed as I am at the CW for giving away so much, I'm excited to see where the show is apparently taking Ms. Grundy.

Counterpoint: Ben & Kate, on which she was utterly delightful.

The most unrealistic part of the original series was that a public school class only had eight kids.

I'm still in, as long as they never pair Jane off with Raf.

I haven't watched the episode yet, but EW's incredibly unsubtle Facebook updates spoiled it for me. I'm devastated.

The shot of Betty rising up against Cheryl was straight out of a horror movie. It was creepy and awesome and I want more, CW.

Chicago, smell someone else's fart early and for free!

The Expanse is good, but it sure is heavy. Like Westworld and Game of Thrones, it works best when you don't binge it, in my humble internet opinion. Thank God for DVR, because I'll be splitting my viewing of tonight's two-hour premiere up on my own.

I'm fairly certain it's been confirmed that the Grande/Legend cover will be at the end credits- I think EW had a story on it. Also in the end credits will be a new Celine song and a cover of a new song from Josh Groban.

Good. Off you go, and thanks for taking Moffat with you.

Great news! And with the Emmy recognition this show will certainly get, I'm confident that it'll stick around for a while. NBC's Thursday night comedy block might actually be a thing again soon!

Everything but kissing!

I could and I have. Like, I've gotten in actual arguments.

"You wanted fire? Sorry, my speciality is ice."

I have a old buddy who works on this show, and I'm just so thrilled for him to be involved with something that's getting such positive attention.