Hermione Danger

Based on their current programming and the way they're killing off The Vampire Diaries on Fridays, I'd say the core CW audience has been skewing older for a good few years now.

To quote one Alex Kerkovich:

Still not sold on the final quality of this film, but the marketing campaign has been absolutely stellar. Outside of Watson's not-quite-there vocals, this is a very well-made trailer.

I'm still hoping she's got a cameo in this. If she shows up somewhere, I'm going to melt into my chair with the goofiest grin on my face.

Sometimes I watch the Lohan Parent Trap and think about what could've been.

Anything the CW puts out these days gets a least a pilot-watch from me, and this looks like the bastard lovechild of Gossip Girl and Twin Peaks I never knew I wanted until now.

Yeah, the best I could come up with was that they were going for a "we've all been bullied, we've all bullied someone else" note, but it was such a deviation from the established style that all it did was irk me.

For real. And the way that episode ended, with Riley looking into the camera, as if the audience had been here bully all along was suuuuuper weird. I didn't get what they were going for there. The whole episode, we're meant to be on Riley's side and righteously angry for her, but then we're all of a sudden the

Diff'rent Strokes.

Well, it fails the Bledel test*, so here's hoping.

"Well, Hamilton wasn't Puerto Rican, but people seem to be liking that just fine."

I don't remember the exact line, but Jake crying on the toilet reading Harry Potter was too real.


I enjoyed this movie for the SPACE TITANIC it was. I can't believe the producers didn't make the simple change of both characters being woken up accidentally. Would've side-stepped all the issues people are having.

For me, Empire started wickedly strong. I enjoyed it fully and un-ironically. But then the second season came and I just couldn't stick with it.

Agreed, and fuck Ryan Murphy for it.

When I saw this headline on the homepage, I immediately thought of Once Upon a Time. Jesus Christ that show. WHY DO I CARE?

I very much hope this episode was a omen of things to come in the new season. Sure, it was "deeply silly," but it still had heart and smarts to go along. That's vintage DW for me. I want more ridiculous premises that give way to interesting revelations, more goofy outings that allow The Doctor to be snarky but also

Thanks for the insight! I can't really see Timeless being cheap enough to offer as an online exclusive, so I'm on the fence as to whether I'd want them to do that, even as a last resort.
Switching nights could work, but I would think Monday is its best option. Every other night has too much competition.

It's This Is Us: The Movie!