Dan T.

Yah that’s a fad here in Colorado. I fucking hate it.

YYeah what’s up with the “gaping hole in the front” look these past few years? It’s so fugly.

Oh look it’s THAT guy...

As if it takes all this effort to create a baby, and something worth celebrating on the open road...

You can thank super hero movies for that shit, primarily Batman. The super hero fetish and the Batmobile have influenced car makers to try to imitate what’s in the movies. My god, the Civic used to be for single moms and school teachers. Now it looks like something from the Bat-cave. So fucking stupid.

Nice. I have been calling them “Fart Pipes” since the beginning. And for what it’s worth, they make the car sound broken.

You just sexually aroused me... I think grad school made me a grammar/syntax freak...

Then who wipes your ass?


Guys who do this are only retaliating against their moms who scolded them by taking away their Stompers and Tonka trucks back in the 80s.

What the hell? A Huracan with a Ferrari sticker on it??? Sacreligous.

Yes, overcompensation. Big trucks is pretty much the only time I take a Freudian interpretation to why people buy these fucking things.

Not in a 25 year old Civic, man.

Most of the guys who do this don’t realize that to the rest of us, the “fart pipe” tuning they do to their 20+ year old Civic actually makes it sound like a broken lawn mower. It’s a scientific fact.

The ones I see always say “Gutierrez,” “Hernandez,” “Martinez,” or some other Hispanic variant, and ALWAYS in Gothic font.

The only benefit to this strange sort of accessorizing is it gave me an opportunity to explain to my children a) why some people are pathological morons, and b) the difference between running lights and brake lights (since these fuckers have essentially lost the former, and barely have the latter).

Yup. I have a ‘16 Legacy Limited and I HATE this aspect. Once I dropped it off at the dealer, and they turned mine to “off”, sometime during the day, and then I picked it up later and I was so used to it being on “auto” that I nearly drove 45 minutes in the dark before people were high beaming me and I realized what

Brilliant topic idea, Elizabeth.

Or, get the next lowest trim or model WITH all the bells and whistles. It goes both ways. :-)

My thought exactly!