Dan T.

Yes the front end is hideous.

Auto makers: STOP, for the love of god, building cars with a gaping hole in the front and/or putting the front bumper BEHIND the grille. It looks SO dumb. This is a scientific fact.

Alternatively, one could speak to their kids the way all my Millennial neighbors do: overly loud, high-pitched voices, and full of behavioral platitudes which I *SUSPECT* are not *REALLY* directed at the child, but directed to other adults within an earshot in order to demonstrate outwardly how great a parent they

Curious. I have a Pixel 2, took a shot of my Seiko SKX wristwatch and it recommended a Rolex Submariner.

“so hilariously bad that they are actually amazing”

You don’t count. Why? Because Jeep drivers are not total douches. Sure, their vehicles are rarely used to their full potential, but whose isn’t? Every Jeep driver I’ve met is a nice person, and I’ve met a lot. I can’t say the same thing about the gondo-huge douche-mobile wannabe Stomper pickup drivers I see in

Dude, just stop talking. Because everything you said above just galvanizes the humor behind this article.

Thats funny. I hate the dudebro douchemobiles with the infernal lambent flames of hell but for me, it really isn’t the vehicle itself, but the immature fratboy behind the steering wheel who has demonstrated to everyone around him that indeed Freud’s Oedipus Complex and penis envy is alive and well...

“sounded like wet farts”

Yeah. I grew up in the 70s/80s too and I look back on that car and it still makes me giddy a little.

For me it will always be my smelly 1997 Taurus SHO. That damn thing was dank and FUGLY but when I stomped on the gas, that Yamaha engine would spring to life and snap the necks of everyone inside. God damn I miss that piece of shit sometimes.

Nice catch!

Yes. In fact, I think the Renault driver is at fault (and not just for driving a Renault).

I love you, Mack. But this is a crock of shit. Okay, back to loving you again.

Automakers: please, for the love of Zuul, stop with the “gaping hole in the front” styling. Nobody thinks it looks good; it’s a scientific fact.

The dumb world, apparently. Because that looks like the best idea I’ve seen in decades.

Thanks! I was just about to board an underwater aircraft with opposkitionally opposed engines mounted in the lavatory and then saw your comment. You spared me from having to sit on a hot engine while taking a dump at -300 meters.

It boils down to volume.

Funny - as a guy who has been listening to PF since 1987 religiously, read all the books, and collected all their shit, Nick was the first to come to mind too.

You, good sir, win today’s comment of the day for understanding how a balance sheet is properly analyzed. THANK YOU.