
I actually thought that this episode was great fun and that the musical ranks amongst the better musical episodes, as they’re almost always dreadful. The only part of the episode that felt forced and rehearsed was Bosco’s chocolate save. Because it was.

Beginning to think I only really liked Kristen Bell on Veronica Mars. Please don’t tell me she was great on The Good Place. I did not care for that show.

I...think I can’t not try to watch this. It promises...something? A quick show of muscle from the handsome Pablo Shchreiber? Maybe Pierce Brosnan’s wig talks?

I gotta say, I would never pay to see this, but I would definitely watch it on a streamer. I love a good train wreck.

I saw the trailer for this and it looked...batsh*t. Like INSANE. So much so that when it drops on a streaming network I have, I will watch the f*ck out of this. 

To be fair to the film, though, that scene where Louis XIV holds a press conference rambling about the curative effects of ground-up mermaid injected directly into the body now looks weirdly prescient.

5. A Hero

Free Guy? Lol

My friends made me watch that in theaters as a doubleheader with Bratz.

Not to be contrarian, although I usually am, this being the second time on this thread alone, but I love stories which exist solely on an allegorical level.

Give me this, or ‘I’m Thinking about Ending Things’ or ‘Synecdoche, New York’ any time of the day. These kinds of stories convey a richness of ideas that

And if he’d looked at the very last words he’d know the publication date of the next issue.

Ironically the correct answer is the very first words in the Polygon article he references.

Vaughan has nothing to do with Invincible. He did co-create a comic that recently became a TV show, but I’m not gonna do all the work for you, Hughes.

which introduces the idea that Leopold is Stuart’s great‑great‑grandfather

“There’s something undeniably cozy about this film, even if it never quite lives up to its potential—either in its theatrical edition or its slightly longer director’s cut, which introduces the idea that Leopold is Stuart’s great‑great‑grandfather and gives Kate a few more notes of cynicism.”

You took the metaphor out of my mouth - I was going to go with Trader Joe’s hiring a famous baker to make their baguettes, but I couldn’t think of a famous baker.

I just fucking hate seeing talent people waste their time and energies on these projects. Yes, yes, Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther and all that. But those movies are still ultimately product, and the director will always be subservient to the demands of brand synergy and franchisability and the committee of

I’m really, really sorry to hear that the first movie your gay ass has been excited about since 1997 is the 101 Dalmatians prequel. It sucks to hear that the last quarter-century of queer cinema either went under your radar or simply wasn’t to your tastes, but either-way, have you considered that perhaps you’re just

I could see that happening with driver’s licenses but I figured passports had to be correct since you need a birth certificate (or in my case, naturalization certificate) to get one. But then again I’m an immigrant so I’ve had to fill out a mountain of paperwork and it all had to match or else, so I can’t even imagine

This sounds pretty interesting.