
The NC-17 cut is the exact same movie except for a three minute silent scene where we just see Misses Doubtfire’s cock.  No jokes. No dialog.  Just three minutes of Robin Williams hairy as fuck cock.  It’s in 4:3 aspect ratio to capture the directors artistic intention 

My ex had books, but I don’t recall him ever actually reading one.  And he told me that he didn’t read fiction.  Whereas I read mostly fiction, with a few biographies thrown in for funsies, and have been know to read encyclopedias for fun too.

Perhaps - “It has to be stopped. It’s like there was a wall missing ... Like there were only three walls and not a fourth wall... a retro-pastiche that’s never going to be a break-away ... hit.”

Are you saying that a universe designed for the children of decades ago is not an adequate scaffolding to tell developed, complex, adult stories? That’s heresy around here! Nostalgia is the greatest drama!

I guess Cameron never watched Extras.

My lame-ass Hugh Jackman story: he MC’d a big corporate I attended some years ago — around the time of this Oscars appearance, I think, when his stardom was starting to peak — and as part of his intro, he did a riff on “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’” that I think included some modified lyrics specific to our company.

I had no idea just how much I loved Paul Reiser until now.

I will check out this show so good job, Paul!

I agree with that.

I love LD and have been a fan forever, but the “asking for consent” scene bugged me. Maybe it was just my mood tonight, but I felt the sexual harassment storyline was a bit, I don’t know, disrespectful? Insensitive? Patronizing?

I thought that Larry being surprised at Susie’s “This makes up for everything you’ve ever done to me” was the funniest moment of the season so far. I laughed out loud and rewound it to watch that part again.

Joelle mentioned it, but yeah, a very unsatisfying resolution to the “inevitable” tragedy looming 10 years in the future: a racist with a future-gun slowly moving in the background.

Sadly Diane Keen isn’t in it any more, sort of a teenage crush of mine way back in the day.

I thought this was the best episode of the season so far. I actually enjoy this storyline, because it shows more nuance than a lot of other discussions about the topic. People have different perspectives, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I’m curious how it will ultimately play out. Also, Helen and Whitney

That a lot longer than the original song is. Or maybe it isn’t. I tend to fast forward the introduction.

One thing I thought was really well done is when Joanie went to EJ’s apartment after the fight, the way she did her hair made her look a lot like Alison. I don’t like the story line or what they have done this season but I at least appreciate the parts they did right.

Thanks for this detailed breakdown! I’m loving Joanie’s storyline. I was disappointed when we didn’t get a segment in ep 5. Loved ep 6.

He is a deeply stupid and insecure person. He thinks he’s getting a rise but all I feel is sadness for the people in his life.
