
insert too damn high meme here.

Defense or offense?

At least she’s outside where people could see it.

I’d like to try the camera mirrors in the rain like in the Lexus press photo, looks clear to me! But yes, mirrors are difficult to make quiet and reduce fuel economy.

because such a situation is unlikely to wear such a shirt or motivate someone to buy such a shirt. Put someone in their 20's at a rally or demonstration? sure. Someone voting? great. But sitting quietly reading a thick book that likely doesn’t pertain to current events while “resisting” the POTUS? Pass.

Benjamin : And I’ve learned something, too. I’ve learned that a flawless profile, a perfect body, the right clothes, and a great car can get you far in America - almost to the top - but it can’t get you everything.

And he has that goofy steerable trailer/plow thing!  I’ve seen them in passing but never got a good look.

Like Bahama Todd said previously; People want a lowered, lifted, wagon.

Your last paragraph reminds me of Rob Lowe’s speech at the end of Wayne’s World.

Its not a very good narrative but If they were able to get their yacht in the photo with the Jet and Ferrari...

What’s the mini coupe called?

Single middle aged woman with comfortable surroundings wearing a vague political tee shirt in her own home while reading a text book? Strange choice of stock model to photoshop... 

I thought it was a play on Goodwood.

Pretty sure theres a shelf labeled that in the Adult Book Store.

That 3/4 rear view screams a bigger IS300 sport cross to me?

Because most people want to get where they are going with as little effort/time as possible. Driving is expensive and wasteful in most circumstances and people forget driving is a privelage because it’s a necessity for a vast majority of car owners. Small slow downs can cause large delays so drivers are conditioned

She could have hyphenated.

I didn’t care about CR until I bought a house. Now I’ll sign up for a month of digital access when I have to buy a furnace or major appliance.

I read an article once where the subject’s last name was Gay but someone must have used “Find and Replace” search on the entire news website because it was replaced with Homosexual.  
