
Smart move. Tabling the issue is never a good idea.


To be fair, pumping gas at costco is a pretty weird time...


The next batch of State Farm Commercials are gonna be wild 

I came pretty close to punching a toddler. 

(braces for the shaming that is def coming)

Three daughters. All of them slept with me and wifey until they were three or so. It wasn’t so bad.

But the EXACT same thing happened to me as to Mr. 3000: Three year old (apparently) sat straight up in bed in the middle of the night, and then slammed the back of her head

My son did the same nose dive at my wife, at about the same age.

Man, using a Benoit gif really made this whole kid thing come full circle, huh.

Co-sleeper parents are selfish and emotionally insecure.

I am crying at my desk

Thank you for this. I thought I was losing my mind when I saw his name in there with those other guys

NXT’s camera work has gotten a lot better since. 

I want to

Thank you. I’ve been to Carmel several times and I was honestly wondering how they arrived at the idea that it’s “near San Francisco”.

It’s from a comic book he wrote.  This is after he “rescued” Santa Claus.  Or maybe it’s during...

in my opinion, Carmel and the nearby Monterrey are geographically beautiful but infrastructural dumps.  It’s a bunch of tourist shops, ice cream parlors and empty store fronts.  and the traffic sucks.

Recommended Stories: Everything single thing about the Rockets sucks.

Re-appropriating symbols for better things should happen more.. You can’t even do the OK hand signal any more without people thinking you are doing a White Power symbol.