Very much reminds me of “Literally Travis Ishikawa.” Love these moments in sports
Very much reminds me of “Literally Travis Ishikawa.” Love these moments in sports
I love the people like, “Oh, you’re gonna MAKE me vote for Trump.” For sure, my dude, guess I’ll just support all of the same policies and still watch you vote for Trump.
Because the only thing Trump does that Bush didn’t is say the quiet part loud and not know enough to get competent staff. After taking the presidency in a super non-democratic election, Bush staffed up with absolute war hawks and ghouls (who were into self enrichment as much as anyone in the Trump administration,…
I don’t expect Ellen to give a shit about war crimes because...Well, she’s Ellen. But the fact that the Bush campaign specifically pushed state votes on banning gay marriage in the 2004 election as a way to turn out the Republican vote, MAYBE? It’s good to see that being rich and successful is the greatest tie that…
+1 botched throw through a glass window
“I was not about to go and be of service to them in any way.”
This is a kinetic situation.
That dude in the tweet isn't wrong. You ever wanna ID a cop just see how they react to a young, black, male shooting.
Also true. Gotta bring about those end times.
Does...Does Stephen A. Smith think people don’t talk about Israel/Palestine because they’re pro-Israel and fear backlash for being too pro-Israel?
Stephen, that’s (and I can not stress this enough) not a thing. You constantly see people outside of “the Jewish community” back Israel (I mean our big, wet boi moved our…
“Hong Kong Unified China a nation of contrasts uniformity.” - The Athletic
I bet Mayfield avoided the handshake as a way to get into Sherman’s head. Like some sort of elaborate bank heist....a Hand Job, if you will.
It’s too bad these two teams don’t get to play each other again this season
Huge fan. But he played for the Warriors when I was a kid and even got them to send me a picture when I wrote in as part of a class assignment.
So we agree that Trump has likely never smoked weed, but he’s for sure taken enough perscription pills to kill most of the race horses on Earth, right? I mean, I see him doing that and not counting it as “drugs” because it was from a doctor, or some sort of “medical person” who told him it would increase his manliness…
“I COULD end homesless but I think the real issue is paying terrible, entitled college kids, taking away money from real school programs and making sure all 55,000 genders can use every room as a bathroom.” Gavin Newsom (literally every morning)
What if I told you they’d been in the Sweet 16 or better since 2014? OR What if I told you it was the name of a fictional moon colony in a L Ron Hubbard book? Both could be completely legitimate and we’ll never know if either is.
Markus Not Many, my man, my dude, let me lay it out for you, a governor can actually address two issues at once. Addressing NCAA player pay, does not exclude him from “figuring out homelessness.” Just like you can both manage to coach men’s basketball, and find time to make galaxy brain political takes.
Sports talk guy: This Jets fool better have a steel spleen.