Danson Macabre

It’s on the company for not verifying legal age, not on the parents for kid lying about it. Like how the kid or parents aren’t at fault if a kid gets served alcohol at a bar, the bar is the one at fault.

Everyone has done something shitty. Everyone. I think it’s best to avoid lionizing people or putting them on pedestals. Applaud them when they do good things, but don’t trick yourself into thinking that they can do no wrong. That’s not fair to you or them.

Well first I’d say thank you to the women who stepped forward to speak to the NYT and thus forced Louis’ hand. This would not have happened otherwise. He would have done Colbert, his movie would have come out, and life would have continued on.

But what if you’re the one who’s sexually harassed Tom Hanks? Asking for a friend.


the keebler elf tweet is solid genius, and i’m a jew. the outrage over that tweet defies logic.

my favorite feature of this site is absolutely no consequences for my opinions sucking ffucking ass and me being 100% wrong about everything

If you think that’s the world’s longest Twitter thread, you should read some of the threads that Patton Oswalt has used to absolutely destroy people.

People have been asking “how could someone work with Woody Allen, knowing what they know” for years. Someone who’s actually done so relayed his thoughts on it, particularly because one of the big discussions of the moment is why the film industry so readily turns a blind eye to abuse. There’s worth there.

He is guilty as fuck to me.

First, I want to say.. Sis, I’m so sorry that happened to you...These are numerous fucked up encounters and I’m glad at least one person albeit a white woman took you seriously and helped you.

As much as I agree with so much of this, I can’t throw a like your way as you attack all of Eastern Europe for some reason. The o ly relevance it had was letting Denton pay lower salaries and help him keep money out of the U.S. for his inevitable lawsuit. Dude claims poverty while squirreling away money offshore.

I’m just remembering how this ferociously awful Kinja system was developed by post-Soviet Hungarians in Hungary by Nick Denton because that’s where disgraced and defeated Gawker founder Nick Denton’s family is from. A proprietary format they “developed” and is such a piece of nasty bad shit. Kinja is the fucking


I love the way Shinigami Apple Merchant can make those games we got so frustrated with as kids and make them feel special because of, rather than in spite of, their design. I loved Space Quest; the humor in a science fiction setting was important to make me feel like I was getting a worthwhile narrative-I never felt

This was a really fun interview, Danette. Thank you.

As abhorrent and tone deaf as that ending was it was also a class warfare revenge fantasy where the lower class literally fucks the uppermost class in the ass.