Danson Macabre

Denver, get your shit together!

I'd love regular coverage of this. It's a fun enough show, Weird Al is obviously fantastic, and the whole egg sequence was perfectly charted. It has the same kind of formulaic feel as Phineas and Ferb, but, like P+F, plenty of room for imagination and experimentation.

Bae stands for "before anyone/thing else".

i'm 12 what is this

Wow, the rare Jasoomian-Singulatarian upvotes!

Are you still gonna do Doctor Who reviews? Those were how I got into this site, and TV and movies, in the first place. It's always great to read your reviews. Good luck at your new job.

Best time to watch that is when you're like 15 or 16 (probably male), when the whole teenage rebellion thing is still big, and you feel yourself getting caught up in the whole atmosphere. Watching it after that, you start to realize all the flaws and mistakes.

Loved the Goldbergs, as I said earlier. Family decided to try Speechless, and we liked it as well. Hoping that Cedric Yarborough continues to show up on the Goldbergs, but if he doesn't I'm happy with his character on Speechless. The show had some off moments - the little sister is largely irrelevant and was mainly

Whoops, I actually kinda liked it. Nothing groundbreaking, to be sure, but good enough. It's a fine little dramedy, with enough touching moments. The whole concept is a bit misleading, but I think it could definitely turn into a nice show about the central family. I'm waiting to see if it can survive a season on the

IMO, Hulu and Amazon have better, deeper selections than Netflix (though with Criterion leaving, Hulu won't have as much of an advantage anymore). Their only problem is the UI - which Netflix has mostly figured out. I'm also irrationally angry at the people who watch every Netflix original series and gush about each

I am REALLY annoyed about this. And for a Breakfast Club episode too! They couldn't even do a review to just drop in and check on the show??? God, I'm so pissed. My family watched the Breakfast Club just to get ready for this episode - really liked it. Couple of too derivative moments, but overall a really funny,

"other historians"
I was unaware that Putin was considered a historian now, and I'd like to hear exactly which historians have said so. Ben Stein?

I'd like to swap out Dr. Ken with The Great Indoors; it doesn't seem to be looking very good, and Dr. Ken managed to get that second season. I'm somewhat surprised I've even managed to place somewhat in the middle so far, this being my first time playing.

That was part of their Our Dumb Century book, which I will forever love and treasure as one of their greatest books.

How many goddamn buzzwords can you fit in one sentence

I don't hate annuities, I just hate [financial jargon].
And with the dorkiest face.

The Disappointments Room

My younger sister, who's still very much a kid, really loves Hogan's Heroes. It was her birthday recently, and she wanted to have a Hogan-themed party. We had to settle for a scavenger hunt for her presents, with clues related to the TV show. She now owns almost every season on DVD, since she recently got season 4 & 5

I'm in pain and I'm wet, and I'm still hysterical!
Such a great, great line reading from such a great, great actor. Love that movie so, so much, and just the other day I passed the fountain at Lincoln Center.

is this why they invented the spoiler tag